timmy is real | Teen Ink

timmy is real

July 2, 2014
By mereh BRONZE, Kyle, Texas
mereh BRONZE, Kyle, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"if you cant see your beautiful, you're wrong."

The red car pulled up the old drive way and stopped right in front of the tan colored garage. A girl with crystal blue eyes, ginger and red hair like the color of a sunset, and snow like skin stepped out of the car and looked up at the old house.

“So this is the place? Awesome!” she ran into the house and looked around,
“Rose! Be careful in there! It’s really old and we don’t wanna break anything-!” her mother yelled and got cut off by the sound of shattering.

“Hey mom? Can we go in now?” Justin and Ashley asked at the same time. Ashley and Justin looked the same because they’re twins. They have brown eyes, golden hair and white skin.

“Sure, I guess.” The twins smiled in glee and ran into the house.

Inside, the house looked like tornado came through. The curtains got ripped, the carpet got stained with something red and the windows started turning green and black from mold. The rooms were a disaster too, they started falling apart, piece by piece. The windows seemed broken and the wall paper was curling up and off the walls and the carpets looked as if they were shedding like a dog. The house smelled like death and rotten food. Rose, Justin and Ashley all went to the source of the smell.
The refrigerator was filled with black and green cheese, spoiled milk from the 1900’s and rotting met filled with maggots and flies. They saw some fruit but it turned brown due to time. Justin threw up in a nearby trash can. It wasn’t a very pretty site when Ashley did too. Roses face turned a green color though. She bent over the vomit filled trash can just in case.

“Wow… this house is so cool! If only my friends were here…” Rose was talking about her best friends, John and Liz. They were friends since birth and have always been. But then they had to move because a hurricane had run through Florida and destroyed her house and killed her father. Sadly, Rose didn’t get to say good bye in time. They had died too. They were all in john’s new car when the hurricane came rushing by. The car had flipped over and it crushed Liz and John in the front. Rose didn’t get to say many things to her friends that she wanted too. But she had to let them go.

She was still day dreaming about her friends until she heard familiar voices say, “You still have us sissy!” the twins said simultaneously and grinned. Rose looked in shock at first and then started to smile.

“You guys are right. Well let’s go get our stuff in our rooms!” rose ran back to the car holding Ashley and Justin’s wrist. Rose picked up 2 green suit cases for the twins and headed off to the room. When she got to the room, she noticed a closet that looks like it had never been touched. She put down the luggage and crept towards the closet. It looked pink, blue white with gold stripes.

“Rose! Come down here and clean up this mess!” her mother yelled impatiently.

Rose sighed and yelled back, “Coming mother!” Rose looked glum, she looked back at the closet and sighed again. She walked down the stairs and looked at the broken glass on the floor that used to be a beautiful vase. Her mother pointed in the direction of the pantry. Rose walked to the pantry and grabbed the broom and dust pan. She lazily walked back and started to sweep up the pieces. Her mother, brother and sister walked away somewhere.

When rose finished, she noticed another closet down the hall with the same pattern as the other one in her siblings’ room but with orange and green with silver stripes. She started to walk toward the mysterious closet. She firmly grasped the handle and twisted the knob slowly.
“Rose! Help me!” a young girl screamed.

“Ashley! I’m coming!” Rose yelled in a panic. She rushed up the stairs towards the crying sounds. She reached the room and was in shock. Her little sister was just fine but still crying.

“Justin won’t play with me!” Ashley said. She was sitting at a plastic table with her teddy bear and some creepy dolls.

“I’ll get him to play with you just one question. Where are the dolls from?” Ashely pointed towards the closet.

“I found them in there.” Ashley said bluntly, “Now go get Justin to play with me!” Ashely said impatiently.
“Fine… I’ll get him to play with you.” Rose sighed then walked out.

Rose walked down stairs to check all the rooms. She checked her and her mother’s room first, then the kitchen. She looked all over but then, started to hear noises in the cabinet below the sink.

“Justin? You there? Hello?” silence is all she heard.

“Justin I don’t play games! Come out now!” still silent. She started getting mad and aggravated, she walked towards the cabinets to see Justin and his toy truck.
“Justin! Why wouldn’t you answer me when I called for you? And Ashely is crying because of you. What did you do?” Justin’s’ face was covered by his long hair, when he looked up, he looked like he was disappointed and he started to speak.

“I wanted to hang out with Timmy longer. He’s really cool! Wanna see him?” Rose looked at Justin with a mean glare.

“Justin we don’t have time for this! Go play with Ashley and then you can hang out with Timmy later.”

“Fine, I’ll go play with her.” Then he stormed off pouting. Rose smirked with pride and walked to the closet again. She looked anxiously at the unopened room and finally put her hand on the door knob. She twisted the knob and stopped when she heard an eerie voice whisper,

“Hello, Rose. I’ve been waiting for you for so long.” Rose shut the door with a loud slam! And jumped when she heard her mother calling.

“Rose! Are you ok?” Rose looked confused and hen replied,

“Yes, I’m fine just tripped over my shoelace!”

“Ok! Just be more careful!” then she heard nothing. She looked over at the closet again and turned away quickly.

Later that night, rose, Justin and Ashely started playing Ashley’s favorite game, tea party, while talking in a British accent. “Would you like more tea, Mrs. Bear? Oh you would? Ok then.” Ashley said as she poured invisible tea in to the pink plastic cup. “How about you Justin? Would you like any?” Rose questioned this time.

“No, but Timmy would!” Justin replied. Rose didn’t look like she was happy, more like she was furious with Justin.

“Justin, Timmy isn’t real! Why do you keep talking non-sense? He made up in the little brain of yours!” Justin bawled in tears and then the lights went out and you could hear a scream down the hall. “Mom!”

Rose ran down the dark hallway to our bed room. The lights came back on and she saw the words, “TIMMY IS REAL!” written in red. I looked carefully at the substance on the wall and noticed it wasn’t paint, it was blood. “Mom! Where are you? Are you here?” Rose yelled in a panic. She looked everywhere but the closet. The closet looked the same as the other two but with yellow and red with bronze stripes. “The closet…” she walked over and opened the closet slowly to find nothing. Simply nothing. She stood in shock as she closed the door. “Where could she be?!”

Then she heard another scream. “Ashley!” rose ran as fast as she could down the hall again and tripped along the way a few times. When she reached the room she found Ashley in a corner cowering. Rose rushed to Ashley and hugged her. Rose said in a concerned tone, “Where is Justin at?” Ashely said nothing and pointed behind her. Rose turned around quickly and gasped as she saw a black, shadowy figure next to her brother, Justin.

The monster wore a gigantic smile which made him look like he was out of a mental hospital. He looked like he was wet with something red dripping off his head, he had no eyes and long sharp nails. The shadowy figure grasped Justin’s small sized shoulders with the monsters long, finger nails and started whispering something into the younger boys’ ear. “Justin! Get away from that beast!” Justin had a devilish smile as he reached behind his back. He raised his arm to show a bloody axe. “No, Justin please don’t. Please!” Rose begged.

“Sissy. You said Timmy wasn’t real.” Then he ran forward and aimed the axe at her head.


Then Rose woke up, “Oh my gosh, thank goodness it was just a dream!” She couldn’t breathe, it seemed like her chest was being constricted.

“You sure that was a dream?” the teenagers face went pale, her eyes got wide and her mouth closed tight. She slowly turned her head to the corner in the left. The shadowy monster smiled and flashed his sharp teeth covered in a red, shiny, liquid, dripping down its face.
He grabbed Rose’s ankle and dragged her out of bed towards the pink and blue closet with golden stripes. Rose screamed in pure terror and she looked as if she were about to die, which she was. Rose started to kick and grab things to hit the monster with. She finally grabbed a note book with the words, “MY DIARY!” written on the front.
The monster finally reached the closet and he dragged her in while being hit few times with the pink note book. Half way in, the monster started to turn a vibrant red. The monster said filled with frustration, “Rose, you have to be quiet or the others will wake from their endless slumber. We don’t want that do we?” Rose started to scream louder and louder. She finally said, “Let go of me, you freak of nature!” The monster replied, “The name is Timmy, you unloving, uncaring brat.” He dragged her in the closed the door quietly. Muffled screams erupted from the closet and filled the old, rickety, house. It lasted for a few minutes then, nothing. Complete silence filled the air now. You could hear a pin drop to the floor. The monster walked out, drenched in the mysterious red liquid that would stain the rugs. He walked to the closest wall and wrote, “TIMMY IS REAL!”

The author's comments:
hi, im 13 and this is a original story i wrote for a class. im in this summer class and i had to write a story or something so i wrote this. hope you people like it. :)

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