Case 49: Old Lady Watkins | Teen Ink

Case 49: Old Lady Watkins

July 9, 2014
By alonnasmith BRONZE, Belleville, Michigan
alonnasmith BRONZE, Belleville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

There is a time when an ancient element roams through earth and takes away people lives. When no one can do anything about it and suffer from something that they did not deserve. Every human commits a sin once in his or her lifetime; most of their sins are committed during their childhood. They say that when you commit a sin you have to pay a price; they say that you can live peacefully after god forgives you, but sometimes god’s forgiveness never forgiven on time. There are so many tragic stories and fairy tales about spirits, ghost, and death. One of the stories that were unknown, unsolved, and happens to be an interesting mystery … It’s called the case 49: Old Lady Watkins.
She stayed in a tall, dark, and gloomy house in a beautiful and a peaceful neighbor. No one never visit Ms. Watkins or seen her in person, but neighbors thought that her property was so filthy, overgrown, and vacant. it questions the neighbors about how Ms. Watkins live so long without leaving her house or why the government never try taking the house away from her or why no one tries to put her in the home. You may think that Ms. Watson was a sweet old woman who just couldn’t take care of herself and have no one to take care of her. However, sweetness can always be the apple with the bitter core.
Ms. Watkins first victim was a little girl named Lily, she was the sweetest little girl in the neighborhood. One day Lily was playing with her dolls on her porch, she heard someone called her name from across the street. At first, she did not budge and kept playing with her dolls, but then she heard it again. She got up and walk towards Ms. Watkins house. Then she watches the door swing open by itself. Lily did not seem too frighten about this and kept following Ms. Watkins voice.
“Come in. come in. she said to Lily. Come in. Come in. I will I give you treats, a treats is what you will receive after we meet.”
Lily walked in the house. After she step in the inside of the house seems peaceful, clean, and fulfill with dolls. Like a house made just for little girls. The door slammed behind the Lily and she never came out of the Ms. Watkins house. When six days has passed, no one ever heard from Lily again.
Ms. Watkins second victim was a little boy name Rico, he was the little troublemaker of their neighborhood. Two months after Rico’s family move in from around the corner of Ms. Watkins house, Rico has been causing a lot of trouble. His parents was never home to watch him so anytime he cause trouble he could get away with. One night, Rico parents fell into sleep as he sneaks out of the house. He left through the back, cutting through the backyard and throwing rocks everywhere. He ended up walking on Ms. Watkins property, as he walk he began to through rocks at her house. He broke her windows and mark scratches on the house, making the house look uglier than what it was.
Ms. Watkins came out the house, smiling at Rico with a basket full of cookies in her hands.
“Rico come in. come in. I will give you a treat, a treat is what you receive after you follow me.”
Rico went into the house thinking about eating all those cookies in the basket, did not think once about his own safety. After that night, no one ever heard from Rico again.
Ms. Watkins finale victim was a teenage boy named Jonathan Peers. He lived next door to Ms. Watkins house four years after Rico went missing. Jonathan was a troublemaker also, but worse than Rico. Three years after the Peers family settle in Jonathan and his two friends decide to break in Ms. Watkins house. They all went through the back of house, lucky for them they didn’t even have to make any damages or noises because the door was already unlock. Jonathan and his friend search high and low for stuff to steal. There was a lot of yarn, cookies, muffins, unfinished knitted socks, and pictures of kittens. All they grab was a couple of pearl necklaces and jewel hair accessories, but what they didn’t notice that one of Ms. Watkins tea set was out and hot. Jonathan stared at the tea set as he thought that they are not alone. He turns around and look at living room mirror, behind him appear Ms. Watkins sitting down at the table. Jonathan and his friends were in shock to see her there as they thought that they were alone. She sips her cup and rock in her chair. They couldn’t make out what she look like through the pitch dark.
“Come here. Come here. Take a treat, a treat that you will love that is forever sweet.”
Jonathan raise his flashlight on her face and she hiss at them with her red eyes and fangs like a serpent. They all screamed and ran towards the door but door was lock and Ms. Watkins got to them with the quickness. Weeks went by and no one ever heard from Jonathan and his friend but there were witness of a woman seeing Jonathan going into the house. The police investigate Ms. Watkins house and there was no sign of the boys, Ms. Watkins, or any tea making. When they discover a secret passage through the kitchen floor they found everyone clothes; Rico’s, Lily’s, Jonathan’s and his friends but not their bodies.
This case has never been solve and the mystery of Ms. Watkins victims was unknown until another group of victims end up on the news from a different state, even though Ms. Watkins house finally been demolition there is no telling if she skip town or her spirit is resting in her grave. The world would never know.

The author's comments:
this part one of my mystery story, part two will be out soon.

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