Dreamy Land | Teen Ink

Dreamy Land

August 29, 2014
By hood27 BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
hood27 BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My eyes opened to a screeching sound from the other room. I was terrified. The sound continued. I tried my best to ignore it but I just couldn't. I stood up and opened my door. The sound was even louder. I ran towards the living room and my brother was there with a bloody knife in his hand.

"I don't know where Mom is. Iris just diapeared." My brother was shaking. I ran over to him and hugged him. 
"Lets go." I grabbed my moms car keys and sprinted to her car. My brother was dressed with blood. I had second thoughts. 
"I didn't kill them! I SWEAR!" He started to cry. I had to believe him. He's the only one I've got right now... I nodded. I grabbed my phone out of my pajama pocket and clicked on a random contact. It was my sisters friend, Selene. She questioned me a lot and just told me to come over ASAP. 
I started the car but I still didn't know how to work it. I was only 15. 
After a while I got it to start and drove off. I remember a shortcut to Selenes house so it only took about 5 minutes.
We ran out, and banged on her door. She opened it immediatly. 
"Lets go into the basement, we're safe there." We all ran down and locked the door. She went over to the T.V and turned it on. Some french movie was on. I could tell by the subtitles. 
"What do we do now?" I questioned her and she started at me. 
"Lets just stay down here and watch some T.V and tomorrow we'll contact the police." Me and my brother obeyed. 
It's been an hour and they were both sleeping. The movie was starting to get mysterious. I had to stay awake but my eyes kept closing. Then I heard a sound. I closed my eyes fast and moments later I drifted off to sleep.
I woke up to only find my brother there. Selene disapeared. I woke up my brother and we headed up stairs. I paused for a moment. There was a room there I've never noticed before. The room was filled with purplle pillows and bed sheets and posters. There was a sign in there. The stepped in 
and the name on the paper said "Mikayla". I turned back and saw two shadows. It wasn't my brother because he was in the room with me. It was Allison and Kate. They looked mad. 
"Lets go upstairs," Allison said to us. As we started going up I heard her say to Kate, "I didn't know they'll be awake. I didn't trust them.
As we went upstairs I took my brothers hand and ran out. I 
reached into my pocket and for a second I thought my keys and phone disapeared. I saw Allison and 
Kate look out the window. I gave them a dirty look and drove off. 
"Why did we have to leave, I'm hungry." My brother whined. I just looked at him. I started to drive into the parking lot of a diner there was on the side of the rode. I looked at the time. It's been 3 hours since the time we left Selene's. The glowing sign on top of the building said "Wake Up". It was 
an awkward name.
We parked and my brother started to walk fast towards the door. I was really hungry too. 
My brother ordered his favorite, chicken tenders and fries with a Coke. I got the same but with Dr. Pepper. That didn't seem to fill us up so we both got a sunde. As I started to eat I heard the door opened I peaked over and saw Bella with her boyfriend Mark. I smiled and she ran over to us.
"HEY EVS!" She called my by my nickname. I smiled and hugged her. 
"Hello Eva." Mark said, smirking at us. I said hi back and we all sat down together. "I think I wanna order a cheesecake, Bella do you want one?" Mark asked, giving her a romantic look. I blushed from the way they looked at each other. 
Moments later we were all eating our dessert. I started to feel a little empty. I still haven't found Iris or Mom.
"Noah I have a question," He looked at me with his huge blue eyes. Mark and Bella both looked like they knew what was going on. "Who did you stab?" I whispered. He looked and me and sighed. Mark looked over to Noah and said, "The first time is always magical." Bella smacked his shoulder. I chuckled.
"There was some guy in the house and he looked very scary and tall. I didn't know what to do because he started to attack Mom and Iris. I stabbed him and Mom wasn't there. Iris just disapeared out of nowhere." He was crying. "The guy just ran out of the door and that's when you showed up." I grabbed my phone and dialled my moms number. No one answered. I did the same with 
Iris and she didn't answer but there was a weird tone at the end. I switched the phone to speaker. "7841, you know where." The voice said. I grabbed everything and ran outside to my car. Noah, Bella and Mark followed. We all piled inside of the car. I started to drive past the speed limit.
Its been 15 minutes and we reached the destination. 7841 Lynn Drive. I opened the front door and saw them there. They were perfectly fine. I got angry and slammed my hand on the wall of the house.
"I THOUGHT YOU GUYS WERE DEAD!" I screamed at them, "I WAS WORRIED!" They just looked at me and then each other. Seconds later we all hugged each other and my brother joined. I didn't know what to say to them. I saw out the corner of my eye that Bella and Mark were kissing.Then I heard that screeching sound again. I pulled away and I was now in a different place. The walls were black and there was debris everywhere. I saw a long shadow walk towards me. I closed my eyes and opened them back up, hoping this wasn't real. But it was. The shadow said in a deep voice, "Welcome to Dreamy Land."

The author's comments:

This story was inspired by my dream.

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