My October Haunting | Teen Ink

My October Haunting

September 19, 2014
By Alejandra Avila BRONZE, Riverside, California
Alejandra Avila BRONZE, Riverside, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sun was setting, the dark was blanketing the sky and it was because of me she died. I can hear the October leaves crunching under our wheels, like potato chips being bitten into. I remember the cool, refreshing, icy air hitting against my face as we raced along the trees. Dean and I were in his 1967 Chevrolet Impala, and Sam and Mandy were in Sam’s 1970 Ford Mustang, I guess you can say Sam and Dean we classics. It was my idea to race on the narrow road we were traveling on, I thought it would be fun but I was dead wrong. “Hey! Let’s see whose car is fastest,” I said to Mandy through the phone, who then passed the message on to Sam; he then sped up passed us and Dean stepped on it.
“Eat my dust,” yelled Sam.
“In your dreams pipsqueak!”
5 minutes past, Sam and Dean were head to head, I looked into Mandy’s window and see her making crazy, weird faces and I’m laughing so hard my cheeks hurt. Then suddenly I hear the crash before I actually see that they crashed into a tree. Dean makes a harsh stop and I hit my head on the car window cracking it, and I see that Dean hit his head on the steering wheel and passed out. I stumble out of the car to check on Sam and Mandy, I see Sam’s forehead bleeding and looking like a cherry but he is moving, indicating that he is ok. I then run to Mandy’s window and see she’s neither moving nor breathing and at that moment my heart broke into pieces.
A week went by and I haven’t been eating and I had no emotion, so basically I was an emotionless walking skeleton and I started to do drugs. One day I was high and I saw her, I saw Mandy. Now at first I thought I was hallucinating but that wasn’t the case when I saw her the next day. Every night she would stand at the edge of my bed which made me stay awake all night and I was becoming ill because of the lack of sleep. I started cutting, it was the only way I knew that would make her leave, for a little while at least, and it was the only pain I was able to control. I don’t know why Mandy left whenever I cut; I always thought it was because she didn’t want to see me self-harm.
Whenever Mandy emerged she never said or did anything she just stood there staring, it was almost like she was waiting for something, what I didn’t know but I had an idea.
The haunting went on for weeks on end. One day I just went out and asked her, “Why are you doing this to me Mandy, I can’t take it anymore, you’re driving me insane!” She didn’t answer. I then ran to the bathroom and overdosed on painkillers. I heard my mom scream as she found me on the floor and called for help, she was too late though.
I opened my eyes and I hear Mandy’s voice for the first time in weeks. As I look around I see my mother crying next my body and at that moment I knew I was dead. Mandy then appeared and said, “Are you ready?”
“Yes but first I want to apologize to you.”
“Go on.”
“I’m sorry for my stupid idea to race; if I would’ve known you were going to die I wouldn’t have even thought of it.”
She nods her head in understanding.
“Because of my stupid mistake you got hurt, and so did I.”
She accepted my apology and I say goodbye to my mother, even though I knew she didn’t hear me, and we walk off, finally able to rest in peace.

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