The Laughter | Teen Ink

The Laughter

October 6, 2014
By brookeweaver4 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
brookeweaver4 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have never really had many friends. I usually was the girl that sat in the back of the classroom, and worked on group projects alone. Every friend that I did have, I either pushed away or they just did not bother to talk to me anymore. I did not really mean to push them away, but after my dad died, it seemed like that was all I was good at.
It has only been two months after my father’s death, and my mom is already talking to a new guy. I think she just uses him to distract her from thinking about my dad. I should have tried to stop him from going into the army again, and maybe he would still be here sitting in his old reclining chair falling asleep while CNN blares loudly on the TV, and the new guy would not be trying to win my mom’s heart and take my dad’s place. Going to school was bad enough.
And as you may have guessed, school today was awful, as always. I am swamped with homework, and I still have to look through my other college applications. As soon as I got home, my mom was standing in the living room smiling. She was still dressed in her scrubs, and her long blonde hair was pulled back in to a bun. I always thought she looked so beautiful with her hair like that. I gave her a fake smile back. “Why are you so happy?” I asked her. I sat down on the couch in front of where she was standing. She held an opened envelope in her hands. “You just got accepted into NYU!” she squealed. “What!?” I yelled. NYU was my dream school. They have an amazing writing program that I plan on getting into. Writing is my passion in life. I was trying so hard to be happy, but for some reason I just could not bring myself to actually smile. My mom had ran into her room and was calling my grandma the news. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. A couple of minutes later, all of the sudden I heard laughing.
I slowly got up and went upstairs. As I made my way through the hall, I noticed that my door was cracked open. I still heard the laughter. I shook my head. “Can life get any crazier?” I asked myself. I tip-toed to my door and slowly opened it. There was a little girl sitting on the floor next to my bed playing with dolls. She was not facing me so I could not see her face. At first, I thought it as a mirage. Then the laughter stopped. I felt like my heart was about to explode. The little girl slowly turned her head around. She looked like a normal little girl. She had blonde braided pig tails with a pink bow at the ends. Her eyes were a deep brown, almost black. What was she doing here in my room? “Who are you?” I asked. My voice shook as I spoke.  She just sat there. Staring. Then she smiled. Then I screamed. Her teeth were like a shark’s, and blood started to run out of her mouth. I felt frozen. I could not move. Finally, I forced myself to run. As soon as I started running, I heard the little girl’s laughter again. “Mom!” I ran into her bedroom, but she was not in there. “Mom!” I yelled again. I looked everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found.  I ran to the front door. It was locked from the inside out. I felt like I could pass out from being so out of breath. I ran into my mom’s bedroom again and ran into her closet. I hid in the corner, and hid behind her clothes. I sat there for about a minute. It was silent. I shut my eyes. Hoping it was all a dream. Then I heard footsteps and the laughter. The sound kept getting closer and closer. I screamed. “Kate! Kate!” my eyes opened. It was my mom. “Were you having a nightmare?” “Oh my gosh, mom.” I pulled her to me and hugged her. “Everything is okay.” Her voice didn’t sound like her. It was deeper and more sinister sounding. She pulled away. Her eyes were red and her teeth sharp with blood running out of her mouth. I screamed.

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