Last Day of Winter | Teen Ink

Last Day of Winter

October 6, 2014
By bryson norwood BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
bryson norwood BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Zac was walking home from school one day in mid-January, 2013.  He just got off the phone with his grandma, who was telling him happy birthday.  All of sudden, out the corner of his eye he saw a truck approaching him.  He started to run, but they pulled in front of him and took him.  They took him to a house where they stabbed him to death.

Mary was worried because Zac usually got home around 3:30 but it was just about half past 4:00. Mary began calling Zac but he never answered, so she called his friends and family that lived in their town, everyone said he wasn’t at their house. She began to worry so she called the police and told her that her son had been missing for about an hour. They sent out patrol cars to try to find him, but they never did.  Mary began to go house to house trying to find people for the search parties.  The next day Zac was still missing, so their county put it on the news, and local radios was also announcing it.  Mary had gathered close to fifty people for the search parties. 

They divided the people into groups of five people each group including a police K-9.
A few days after Zac’s disappearance there was a guy calling about a group of four people going into a house one being dragged inside, and that there were knives with blood on them in the back of a truck in the driveway.  The police went to the house and began to investigate the bloody knives and the blood puddles on the floor in the house. They sent the knives and tubes of blood to a forensic lab to ID the fingerprints on the knives and whose blood it was on the ground. 

The test came and identified three people that touched the knives which were Franklin, Trevor, and Michael.  The blood was identified as Zac’s blood; the police went to Mary’s house and notified her that the blood they found inside the house was Zac’s.  They also told her that they haven’t located his body yet either, but he wouldn’t be able to live without the amount of blood he lost. 

The search party continued to search for Zac.  They searched about twenty miles north, east, west, and south from the house.  They found a creek bed and followed it all the way to the Mississippi river where there was a diving team on police rescue boats.  The diving team found his body at the bottom of the river with concrete blocks tied to his limbs.  They pulled his body up and took him to a morgue, where they counted twenty-three stab wombs.

The suspects were caught all in the same house playing cards.  Michael and Trevor admitted to killing Zac, while Franklin tried to deny it.  They showed him the knives and the fingerprints.  A few days after they were caught they were all taken to court and charged with life in prison.

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