Nightmare in the Woods | Teen Ink

Nightmare in the Woods

October 6, 2014
By Cody Dortch BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
Cody Dortch BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nightmare in the Woods

Johnathon, David, and Cameron have been best friends since the 2nd grade, they’re in 10th now. For a while they had thought about how they could get together, and go camping in the woods by Johnathon’s house. Johnathon’s parents are really strict, unlike Cameron and David’s; his parents would not let him go for a while. Until, finally he convinced them that if he text them every hour, he could go.
The three of them decided to meet up at 5:30 that night, before it got dark. This was like the dream sleepover for all three of them. What could go wrong? All of them got there a little early, so that they could have plenty of time to set up before dark.
“David and I will set up the tent, Cameron you go fetch some wood so we can get the fire started.” Said Johnathon.
“Sounds good, I’ll text you guys when I find some.” Replied Cameron.
“Deal,” replied Johnathon and David at the same time.
Johnathon and David then started on the tent while Cameron went for the wood. It took them about forty-five minutes to get everything set up right. They had not heard anything from Cameron. So, they just kind of hung out around the tent waiting to hear something from Cameron. An hour and a half had passed since Cameron had left, and still nothing from him. What was going on with him? It was starting to get dark by now and David and Johnathon were starting to really get worried about their friend.
“I need to go look for him, something is up, he should be back by now,” said David.
“Yeah, I will go with you, we should have at least gotten a text from him,” replied Johnathon.
“No, no you stay here and watch the supplies, we need this stuff more than anything else,” said David. Johnathon knew David was not going to let him go, so instead of arguing with him Johnathon just agreed. So, David grabbed a flash light and out he went looking for his good friend. Johnathon grabbed him a snack and picked up his favorite book, Divergent, by Veronica Roth. He thought he could burn some time by finishing it. Just as he turned to the last page in his book, he head David’s scream.
He was really freaked out now, what was going on with his friends? Johnathon then went looking for his phone, so he could call his parents for help. This was getting exceedingly scary for Johnathon genuinely quick. He was in the middle of the woods, at night, all by himself.
Johnathon begin searching everywhere for his phone, and finally found it under his sleeping bag. What he saw next completely shocked him, his phone was dead. Now, came the hardest decision he has ever had to face in his life. Go find his friends, or run for help. He though and thought about it, and the answer was clear. Go find his friends.
He grabbed his flashlight and off he went just like David. He started walking in the direction in which he heard David. He never thought in a million years something like this would happen to him. Johnathon then began yelling his friend’s names, and all he heard was the whistle of the wind.
Then there to his left he saw something slumped up against a tree, it was David. He ran as fast as he could yelling David’s name over and over again. When he finally reached his friend he could tell something was wrong, David was losing a lot of blood, and also unconscious. Johnathon started shaking him, and again yell his name trying to wake him up. Still nothing, then out of nowhere he felt something hit him in the head, seemed like a baseball bat, and down Johnathon went just like his two friends. 


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