A Haunted Halloween | Teen Ink

A Haunted Halloween

October 6, 2014
By KayneWilson BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
KayneWilson BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Haunted House on Halloween

Mike Peterson was excited Halloween was next Saturday. He’d just made friends with a new kid in school, Chester Banks, and he had big plans for the two of them.
“What’s up man?” Chester asked as he walked in Mike’s house.
“I’ll tell you upstairs,” Both guys ran up the stairway ignoring the questioning look s given by Mike’s mom.
“Alright man, what’s up?” Chester asked once they were in the room.
“You wanna go to a haunted house this Saturday? I’m talking about a real, honest-to-goodness haunted house!”
“I don’t know man. That sounds pretty risky.”
“Another buddy and I always go every year and no one has ever got hurt…yet.”
“Have y’all ever seen anything?” Chester asked doubtfully.
“Nothing yet, but I want too!” Mike loved anything to do with ghosts.
The next Saturday, Halloween night, Mike went to Chester’s house, so they could go to the haunted house. Chester’s house was older than all the other ones in his neighborhood, it had white siding with some of its shingles falling off. Chester told his mom that he was going trick-or-treating with Mike, but in reality they were going to the haunted house. On their way to the haunted house Chester wanted candy before they went, so he would have something to snack on. They went to eight houses saying in unison,” Trick-or-treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. When they finally arrived at the long, winding driveway with huge, oak trees straddling it.
Chester said,” Are you sure about this Mike?”
Mike responded, ”Yeah, come on!”
They started walking for what seemed like forever and as they went around the next bend of the driveway, there it was. The old house was torn to pieces with the windows knocked out and spray paint on the walls saying, ”KEEP OUT.” Chester started eating his candy usually fast,
Chester said,” Here goes nothing.”
As they walked up the steps of the creaking porch they heard something upstairs.
Mike said, “Come on! Let’s go see what that was!”
Chester responded, “Right behind you!”
When they walked up the steps the door closed behind them, making them both jump. Mike whipped out his phone turning on the flashlight because the only light they had was the moonlight.
“Hello” said a voice from behind.
“Who are you?” Mike questioned.
“Yeah, who are you?” also said Chester.
“I’m the good ghost named Chris, I won’t harm you, but it’s nice to see you!” responded Chris.
Chester said to Mike, “I thought you said that you’ve never seen a ghost!”
Mike responded, “I haven’t, this is new to me too.”
Then Mike turned to Chris and said, “You said that you were the good ghost, so does that mean there’s a bad one too?”
Chris responds, “Yes he’s my evil brother that’s why you found me up here. I like to stay away from him!”
Mike sand Chester took off down the stairs to explore the house with Chris following them telling them more about his brother. What they didn’t know was that Tim, Chris’s brother, had been following them the whole time! Time then his around the corner and as Mike and Chester were leaving, Tim took a sword and struck Chester in the leg, cutting it off. Blood splattering everywhere.
Mike screams, “Chester!”
Chester falls to the floor and Mike takes out his phone and dials 911.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
Mike said worried, “My friend his leg has been cut off!”
“Police and an ambulance are on their way.”
Mike hung up and watched Chester lay there in shock until the ambulance rolled up.
Mike screamed, ”In here, hurry!”
They rushed Chester to the hospital and Mike walked home in shock of what had just happened.
After that cold, mysterious night no one was ever said to go back to the old, broken house. Also from point on, Chester’s family didn’t like Mike’s family anymore even though the two boys were still best buds. Every day you would see Mike pushing Chester around anywhere that Chester wanted to go. Chester couldn’t play basketball anymore, but in love of the game, he started a wheelchair basketball program at his school so that he could still play with his friends. Chester’s life changed in a way, but in a different way it didn’t because he still had all of his friends.

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