The Dead Horizion | Teen Ink

The Dead Horizion

October 6, 2014
By Charlton Gibson BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
Charlton Gibson BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Dead Horizon
Jake had been up late watching TV.  It had been snowing a lot, so there wouldn’t be school the next day.  The temperature was a freezing cold 20 degrees outside.  It wasn’t the kind of weather you wanted to get caught outside in.
The last time Jake looked at the clock, it was midnight. He was happy. A couple feet of snow meant a couple of days out of school.  The sound of a ringing telephone woke him.  He must have dozed off for a bit, there was no one there.  He had missed the call.  Caller I.D. showed he had missed a call from his friend Bob. After unsuccessfully, trying to call Bob back, Jake decided it was finally time to go to bed.  He asleep as soon as soon as his head hit the pillow.
A loud beating on the front door woke him up a couple hours later he looked at his watch, it was 2:30 a.m. “Who could be beating on my door at this hour?” He reached into the drawer on his nightstand and pulled out the pistol his grandfather had given him. He peeked through the curtains, but couldn’t see anyone. Thanks to the snow and the light from the full moon, it was pretty bright outside. Jake through open the door and found his friend Bob shivering on the steps.
“What are you doing out in this weather at this time of night?”  Jake asked as he lowered the pistol.
“I`ve got a problem.” Bob came inside the house tracking snow inside with him.
“This problem couldn’t wait till a decent hour?”
“I am sorry Jake I was just really scared.”
“Why where you scared?”
“Because there was something or someone in my house.”             “Well let’s deal with this tomorrow go get a hotel and get a goodnights rest Bob.”
Jake went back to bed and sleep good for the rest of the night. The next morning Bob got up and went to Jakes house and there they ate biscuits and gravy. They talked for a little while then they went to Bob’s house to see what was there last night.
When they got there the door was wide open they went inside to find zombie slime everywhere. They was a little freaked out. There have been some signs of some zombies.  Well there is one way we can find out if they are real or not.  What might that be Jake?   We are going to stay the night here and see if we can kill some zombies.  Are you crazy Jake?  No!!  Ok but let’s meet here at dusk. As the day went on it fell dark.   They went inside and waited a couple of hours and they finally they saw a zombie. They shot at him and they killed him and they ran outside. There where giant groups of zombie. They ran and hid outside and started to watch them get closer.  As the zombies got closer they started running and shooting them, but after a few shots they stumbled and rolled down a hill into a swamp full of zombies with no weapons to defend their self. They felt something bite them. They turned into zombies and the both died.

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