Annabell | Teen Ink


October 10, 2014
By Anonymous

On August 19, 2010 Annabell Walker went out for a jog like she does every day at 4:30pm. But when Annabell didn’t return from her nightly jog her mother began to panic. She always came home at 5:30pm and never a minute later. Her mother Nicole began to panic, it was already 9:30pm and she still wasn’t home, so Nicole called the police. When she called, all that the police could say to her was that they couldn’t help her until Annabell had been missing for 24 hours which made Nicole even more upset. She said to the police officer on the phone, “My daughter is outside in the cold and you won’t do anything to help me find her? Isn’t that your job?” The police officer understood why Nicole was worried about her daughter, so he didn’t take offence to what she said. The police officer said, “Ma’am, I am sorry that we can’t help you find your daughter but you have to wait 24 hours to file a missing persons report. There are a lot of parents now a days that call in and file a missing persons report and there child has just run away from home.” So just as upset as Nicole was when she got off the phone she told the police officer “Thank you for your help I will call back tomorrow if she doesn’t show up.” and hung up the phone.
Nicole stayed up all night and then all the next day waiting for Annabell to return but she never did. That night she called the police department and the police started looking for Annabell. Nicole made all kinds of flyers and posted them all around town. In the stores, in the park, and anywhere else she could think of. A week went by and Annabell was still missing, Nicole called police department every day to see if they had made any progress in finding Annabell but every day they told her that there had been no leads in the case and that she would been the first to know if they had a new lead. After the fourth day Nicole decided that she would take matters into her own hands and go out and look for Annabell herself. She went to every house within six miles of where her daughter was supposed to be jogging but her daughter only jogged three miles, she thought that maybe when she was kidnapped somebody had heard something in there house but they didn’t want to talk to police in fear of getting in trouble. Every house that Nicole went to everybody said that they didn’t hear a thing but one woman told her that she didn’t hear anything either but that there was a man that never came out of his house because he was afraid of the outside world and the people out there that he didn’t talk to the police but that he had security cameras everywhere around and inside the house and that may be if he would talk to Nicole she could ask him if she could look at the video footage but that she didn’t think that he would because he doesn’t really do that of thing because he doesn’t trust people.
Nicole went over to the man’s house and knocked on the door the man opened the door just wide enough to see who it was but not anymore, Nicole said “Hello sir sorry to bother you but….” Just as she was about to continue speaking he said “No now leave” But before he could slam the door in her face she stopped it with her hand and she said “Sir I am sorry to disturb you but my daughter her name is Annabell Walker she has been missing for a week and I don’t know what happened to her the lady across the street said that you have video cameras everywhere outside your house I was wondering if I could look at the footage from the day that my daughter went missing.” The man’s facial expression didn’t change not even a little. Nicole said to the man “Please I just want to find out where she is or what happened to her” the man said “Fine you can look at the footage” and he opened the door for Nicole to come in and closed it behind her. As they entered the room that he had all of his equipment for his cameras the man asked “Would you like anything to eat or drink?” Nicole said “yes please can I have a glass of water?” the man said “sure”. As the man was leaving Nicole said “excuse me sure but my I ask what your name is?” The man said “my name is Scott, Scott Holloway” “Nice to meet you Scott Holloway my name is Nicole Walker.” After she said that he shook his head at her and he left to go get her the water she had asked for.
While Scott was gone Nicole was trying to figure out how to use security cameras so she could look at the footage to see if it could tell her anything about what happened to Annabell or who took her. While Nicole was figuring out how to use the cameras she pushed a few buttons and she saw a room with a bed, side table, and a lamp. Attached to the bed were chains, as Nicole was watching the video somebody had moved into the cameras point of view Nicole looked at it for a few minutes and realized that it was Annabell. Nicole pushed another button and the screen changed and up in the right corner of the screen it said live and at that moment Nicole realized that Scott must have been the one that took Annabell. After she found out what had happened to Annabell, Scott came back with the water that she had asked for and he saw that she had been messing around with his equipment and that she had seen that he had been holding Annabell Hostage. In that instant he dropped the glass on water on the floor and ran after Nicole, but Nicole moved out of the way and ran to the front door but it was locked so instead she ran to a different room and locked the door. Nicole turned around and she saw a shrine of thousands and thousands of pictures of what she didn’t know and moved closer and realized they were all pictures of her and Annabell with candles all around them, the whole time she was looking at the pictures Scott was trying to break down the door and he finally broke down the door and grabbed her. He had a syringe in his hand and struggled with Nicole to stab her with it so that she would pass out after a few seconds Nicole passed out.
Next thing Nicole knew she woke up in a room with her face to the wall, she rolled over and immediately she saw her daughter Annabell. She ran over to her and she looked like she was dead at first glance but when she paid for attention she realized that she was still breathing, but she was just sleeping and that Scott must have given Annabell the same thing he did to her to make sure that she wouldn’t escape. Nicole waited a couple of hours and Annabell finally woke up, Nicole said to Annabell “Annabell thank goodness you’re okay, has he done anything to you? How long have you been down here?” Annabell said “Mom oh mom I missed you so much, Yes I’m okay. I’ve been down here since I was kidnapped. How long has it been?” “It’s only been a week honey but I’m just glad that you’re okay that’s all that matters. But right now we need to figure out how to get out of here, does he ever come down here?” “Yes, he comes to bring me food but he always puts me to sleep so that I can’t escape and then he leaves again.” “Okay that’s good when was the last time her brought you food do you know?” “No I don’t know it’s hard to keep track of time in here.” “That’s okay I have an idea on how to get out of here but we have to wait until he comes back.”
Annabell and Nicole waited hours for Scott to come with the food and they figured they only had a few seconds until he would be coming to put them both to sleep and then leave there food for them to eat. When Scott finally came Nicole was in the corner of the room by the door and she waited until he was completely in the room so that she could surprise him an instead of making her go to sleep she would make him go to sleep instead. When He walked into the room he saw Annabell and was going to look in the direction of Nicole but she grabbed his hand too quickly for him to know who it was. Nicole knocked the syringe out of his hand but then he slapped her and made her fall to the ground but what her didn’t realized was that when he hit her and she fell she fell right next to the syringe. Nicole picked up the syringe as quick as she could and turned around and stabbed him in the leg with it and within seconds he was asleep. Annabell had seen what he had done and she said “Mom are you okay?” “Yes,I’m fine” she said as she searched Scott for the keys to unlock the chains around Annabell’s ankles but she didn’t find them. She said to Annabell “Honey I’ll be right back I’m just going to find the keys okay?” Annabell said “Okay” reluctantly. What seemed like hours to Annabell waiting for her mom to come back was just minutes, Nicole came back with the keys and ran over to Annabell to unlock the chains. When she finally got them unlocked they both got up and ran to the front door and used the keys to unlock the chains to Annabells ankles also were the keys to unlock the front door.
They both ran over to the neighbors to call the police, when both got over to the neighbor’s house Nicole pounded on the door and screamed for help, somebody came to the door and they were in shock at what they saw. Nicole said “Can we borrow your phone or somebody call the police and an ambulance and tell them to hurry and that I found Annabell Walker and the person that took her is passed out but we don’t know for how long so hurry” they said “Of course please come in.” Three minutes later the police were across the street and Scott Holloway was being arrested and put in the back of a police car and going to jail, while the ambulance was taking Annabell to the hospital.
A year later Scott Holloway was charged with two counts of kidnapping and attempted second degree murder and would be spending the rest of his life in prison and Nicole and Annabell would be going home, Nicole saw the face that her daughter was making and she wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing so she asked her “Are you okay honey” and she said “I’m fine mom I’m just glad that it’s finally over.”

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