The Red Ravine | Teen Ink

The Red Ravine

October 8, 2014
By lel4321 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
lel4321 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

     Derrick stopped at the graves staring at them. All innocent victims of one cruel man. He was the only survivor of the attack and then he looked back at his 1987 Roadrunner.  It was given to him and was still damaged from the attack.  Suddenly he felt lightheaded.  His head hit the cold, moist ground harshly.  Darkness started to cloud his vision.
He felt something cold against his head, he was being shaken by Henry Fairman.  “Wake up! We are low on gas and I need a restroom brake.” Henry informed.  He opened his eyes and they were not even in town yet.  Next to him was Connor Matts, a short haired, slim, guy.  He looked tough and acted tough.  Beside him was Dominick Santoro who was their Italian friend, who wore his hair slicked back and dressed nicely.  Up front was Rose and Henry.  Rose had long hair and was stubborn.  Henry who had a decent amount of hair, was a smart guy.  The truck slowed to a halt as they pulled into Citgo.
They hopped out of the Ford Avalanche and walked inside.  Dominick was talking about the trip, Rose and the others were waiting in line for the bathroom.  Derrick looked to see a camera (one like you’d buy at Walmart for a low price) on the table behind the clerk with the cigarettes.  Below a sign, hung: “Smile, you’re on camera”   This gas station had to be the worst he’d ever seen.  He didn’t bother checking the restroom, he knew what horrors could be in that dump.
Soon they’d be at Connor’s Uncle Richey’s house, who happened to be quiet wealthy.  The only bad thing was that the city was having power outages.  Derrick picked up a Dr. Thunder, an off band soda, which was in a poorly cooled fridge.  They walked out of the store getting into the truck.  Derrick opened up and took a sip of what seemed to be sewage water.  He chunked the soda out of the window, as they pulled out.
Not to long they pulled into the town of Paragould where Richey lived; luckily he was out of town for a meeting with other lawyers.  The town seemed decent but it was just a stop until they made it to their camping spot.  They pulled into a paved drive way, which lead to a two-story house with a nice barn to the side.  The house was decorated nicely; there was a glass chandelier in the kitchen along with a long dinner table.  There were four bedrooms, an office, three bathrooms, a living room, laundry room, kitchen and a pool/poker room. Richey was living a nice and laid back life compared to some.
  To pass time they hung out in the living room, eating chips and watching movies. As they ate trying not to get stains on the white couch or on the velvet carpet underneath, a movie by the name of “Sinister” came on. Dominick, claimed to be buff and in the mob. If you did not know him you might believe that, but every time you watched a horror movie and he cried you knew the truth. Screams mostly from Dominick came from the group as they watched the movie. Finally, as the movie was getting good, the screen went black. Along with the lights, and everything else.
As if on cue, when the lights went out Dominick let out a scream louder than another. “It’s the ghost, Dominick.” Rose teased. Even through the dark you could see how red his face was. “You shut up or I’ll tell my da-!” Rose cut him off. “Awh, save it we all know your dad is a car washer, no mob boss.” She sneered. Laughter filled the room except from Dominick. He wasn’t one to laugh at himself. He muttered a whatever, and threats then left. After a while Dominick didn’t return nor did the lights.  “Hey Henry, go check on him.”  Connor suggested.  Henry sighed seeing no sense in arguing and walked outside.
Henry trekked through the halls, then saw a figure outside the window.  It stayed unmoving so Henry went outside to check and see if it was Dominick. He made it to where he saw the figure and found a note.  He went to read it, but his breath was knocked out of him by a piece of wood.  Henry landed face-first onto the wet grass, and the figure went and wrapped his hands around Henry’s neck.  Henry managed to turn around to the figure, but his vision was being clouded by darkness.  The man backed up getting out something metallic then Henry passed out.
Derrick sat on the couch waiting for one to come back. He tapped his foot on the floor then finally got up.  “We need to find them.  I’m going outside, you two do whatever.”  Derrick said. As Derrick went outside.  Rose went upstairs and Connor went into the pool room.  Derrick walked around then saw the garage door.  He got up on his tiptoes and saw what seemed to be a Roadrunner 1987.  He mouthed rich then continued walking.  He saw a shadow in the barn and walked towards it.  He put his hand on the handle then opened the door.  All of a sudden an axe was swung and Derrick fell back on the dirt.
Rose walked into each of the four bedrooms, but nothing was there.  Then she came to a white door that she had top put elbow grease into to open it.  Finally she realized it was the washing room because there were clothes, then a puddle of water.  More than likely form a previous load and the door wasn’t shut properly.  She was about to finish checking then she heard a yell.
Conner walked out of the poker room into the kitchen.  He used his phone for a flashlight.  He flashed his light around then caught a figure staring out of the window.  “Dominick?”  Connor asked.  Something dripped on Connors arm, then he looked to see it was only water.  He looked up at the ceiling wondering, what it may be.  Then Connor felt something hard hit the back of his head, and he blacked out.
“I thought you were him! I’m so sorry, Derrick.  This guy took Henry.”  Dominick explained.  Derrick put his hand on his shoulder and found that there was no blood.  “What do you mean?” Derrick asked.  Dominick put down the axe and helped Derrick up.  “The man took Henry out.  I thought you were him.”  Dominick explained.  Derrick looked at him then asked.  “Where was the last place you saw him?” Dominick looked at Derrick understanding what he was getting at then pointed at the side of the house. 
Rose went downstairs to find a body laying unmoving, it seemed to be Connors.  She shook him, but felt hands on her.  Before she could scream, her head was slammed into the table.  She tried to fight but was slowly drifting asleep.  The man was dragging them through wet grass, then into woods.  But finally Rose met darkness.
Derrick walked to the side of the house to find a note. Where Dominick had last seen Henry.  Then he walked into the kitchen to find two other notes.  Derrick saw a light coming from the far side of the kitchen.  So he grabbed a knife and walked towards it. Then he noticed Connors phone.  He bent to pick it up then turned it on.  He found out that it was locked, but touched the screen where it said emergency call.  He typed 911.  Ring. Ring. Ring … Beep, Beep, Beep.  Out of service.  Derrick then tried to crack the lock but failed.
Derrick then walked into the barn finding a note.  Reading what every single one read: “Smile, you’re on camera.”  Derrick then walked out and ran into the house.  He looked for where the keys were but only found a note on a video camera.  The camera was opened and said: “1st video of 6.”  Derrick then hit “play all” and watched.
Henry was tied up in a chair, with a gag in his mouth.  Henry seemed to already be beaten, his eyes seemed to be focused on something.  The man walked up beside the chair, and it seemed Henry was staring at the machete.  The man raised his hand as Vanna White would a prize.  The man’s hand returned to his side, then turned to face Henry.  The man stabbed Henry at the bottom of the stomach, then pulled it all the way up to his neck, gutting him.  A scream was heard through the camera.  The man dragged Henry’s limp body to the ravine and untied him from the chair.
The next had Connor tied up in a bloody chair and a bloody ravine in the background.  The man held a bat and presented Connor as he did Henry.  The man turned toward Connor, then swung the bat.  The bat connected with Connors chin and then the chair flew back.  Throughout the video all Derrick could see was the killer bringing down the bat.  Then the killer dragged the bloody, beaten body to the ravine.
In this video, no man could be seen, just the back of a long haired figure which he knew it was Rose.  The chair was slowly getting closer to the red ravine, until the chair was under. The line that held the chair was being yanked, for a while but then it stopped.
Lastly the only person without a gag was Dominick.  He was using every curse word he knew, and making new ones as he went.  The man presented him then had a red colored jug.  He jumped it on Dominick and Dominick yelled for help and cursed the killer.  Then the killer made a trail of gas.  The killer paused for a second, then lit the match and threw it on the trail.  Dominick watched the fire flare and yelled for help.  He tried to escape, but he wasn’t quick enough and the fire went up his legs.  Dominick kept yelling, crying, but then the fire reached his neck and Derrick skipped the video, he had had enough. But the last video was of the killer walking into a closet that seemed to be right behind him.
Derrick turned to see a face, smiling, knowing it was the face of the killer.  Derrick pulled out the knife he had grabbed earlier and stabbed him.  Derrick ran, then heard a thump, it seemed the killer slipped on a puddle of water.  Derrick dashed for the garage and grabbed the key to the Roadrunner off the key rack.  He then locked the door of the garage in the house and opened the one to the outside.  Derrick started it up, put it in gear and then hit the gas.  As Derrick looked up from the gearstick, to see the killer with a gun.  He fired but missed and Derrick flew onto the road.
Derrick woke up to find himself laying in grass.  He slowly opened his eyes seeing something unbelievable.  He shut them then opened them.  Derrick saw the same thing, a camera and a man, then to the left … A Red Ravine.

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