The Lost One | Teen Ink

The Lost One

October 6, 2014
By sid2000123 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
sid2000123 BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I never thought I would hear an animal talk. They said that I’m making it up. I was gone for two weeks!  They think that I ran away, well they’re wrong. The truth is, I was kidnapped.

It was another boring Monday. I was walking to school when I heard tire screech and doors slam, that’s all I remember. I woke up in a strange forest. I never thought one could be so hungry. I pulled myself up and began looking for food. I was hoping for some betties, but they never came.

After a while I began to hear voices. At that point I thought I was going crazy. I came to a clearing and seen a squirrel talking to a rabbit. “Oh wow, look at this guy,” said the rabbit. “You can talk?” I asked. “Yes and so can you, what’s your name anyway?” “Jeremy” “Okay Jeremy, you don’t look so well. You should come back to the camp with us.”

By the tie we arrived at the camp it was getting dark. It was a small camp, it had fires and mall places to sleep. There was all kinds of animals like the rabbits and squirrels. They asked me if I wanted anything to eat. Word could not describe how grateful I was. The weird thing is that when I asked what it was they didn’t answer.
The first week passed by and I had learned that the deer, Seth, was the leader. He had asked me to go on a supply run, and I agreed to go. It was me, Seth, the rabbit, and a snake.

We had been walking for miles when we came upon a farm. “Here we are,” said Seth. “What are we doing here?” “Getting supplies of course” “are we just going to take them?” “Well, yes.” I didn’t feel too good about it, but I did want to eat that night. The animals also have done a lot for me. I couldn’t just leave. I didn’t have anywhere else to go.

There I was, at someone’s house, and I was about to rob them. I didn’t see any reason to get fancy so I just walked in the front door. I went straight to the kitchen and began bagging up food. A man came in, he had a gun and was yelling threats. Seth stabbed him with his antlers. The man yelled in pain as the gun boomed. My ears were ringing, as the man fell dead. Without a word the animals left while I just sat there.

There must have been someone else there too cause the police arrive shortly. They took me in and asked me a ton of questions. When I told them my story they laughed. That’s when I realized there was no way out of this.
Weeks passed by, and life in the cell was terrible. I hated being caged up like an animal. The food was bad, but at least people kept their distance. Everyone had heard I was in for murder. I had to get out so I started planning my escape.

I overheard talk of a random cell check and decided that’s when I would make my escape. So as they opened my cell I made a run for it. They caught me like they expected this to happen, so I did something they didn’t expect. As they were restraining me I grabbed one of their guns. I didn’t want to hurt them so I just ran. Soon I was outside and nor far behind was lots of cops shooting at me.

I bolted to the nearest building, a skyscraper, and went to the elevator. Before too long I was at the top. Now here I am. I consider my choices. Standing down, having an unwinnable shoot-out, or jumping. As the police reach the top, I jump.

No talking animals were ever found. Over the weeks, there were multiple kidnappings reported with kids returning with bizarre stories. The man found dead was stabbed several times with a knife found not far from the scene. Results show Jeremy’s finger prints on the handle. Sixteen year old Jeremy Smith died from the fall. His stomach contained human meat.

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