My Sister Ruined Me | Teen Ink

My Sister Ruined Me

October 27, 2014
By shadoe31 BRONZE, Tallmadge, Ohio
shadoe31 BRONZE, Tallmadge, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My Sister Ruined Me
I am a great kid, smart, athletic, nice and handsome. On the other hand, my measly, ugly, annoying sister gets all the attention from my family. Every family gathering we go to everyone greets her first, they talk to her more and sometimes they forget I am even there. Her room in our house is huge, lively and bright. My room is dark, moldy and dead. It is as if my room is the size of her closet.
I have to go to our family Christmas party tomorrow. I don’t want to go because I know my disgusting family members will pay no attention to me. I crawled out of my bed and walked downstairs to talk to my mother. “Mother I ask for your permission to not attend the Christmas party tomorrow?”
She screamed “Tony you have asked me all week not to go and every time my answer has been no. What makes you think that this will change?”
“Maybe the fact that I have asked you repeatedly will make you understand how much I don’t want to go.” I exclaimed.
“Why can’t you just be like your sister and be happy and not difficult?” Mother said.
“This is exactly why I don’t want to go!” I ran back to my room and slammed the door in anger. I will have to go to another one of the dumb family parties that I despise. My door swings open and my sister is standing there. I sit there waiting for to say something but instead she just stares at me as if I am beneath her. Times like this I wish I could just wring her neck and then stand atop of her. Am I beneath you now? These thoughts always quickly leave my head. Then again I always have these thoughts and eventually I believe I will snap. My sister leaves and I decide to read one of my many plant books that I own. Plants are the one thing that soothes my dark thoughts. I always love to read about them and discover new ones. I am on the poisonous plants chapter, which obviously excites me. Especially the rosary Pea which with one rosary pea seed will kill you. The best thing is there is a local garden which grows them! Well it is time for me to go to sleep. Oh how I can’t wait for this villainous family gathering.
I wake up to my sister banging on my door screaming at me to get up. I cannot take her, I can feel the day I will snap approaching fast. It’s Christmas Eve, can’t I just sleep in for once? My “perfect” sister always has to ruin things. I spend my day thinking of ways to enjoy the party later tonight. I come to the conclusion that there is no way I will enjoy it.
The time has come. It is time to waste my time with these disgusting people. We arrive to my grandparents with all my family members greeting my sister. Guess what they don’t do? Not a single family member greets me. I decide to stay outside while everyone goes inside. The bitter cold air is better than watching everyone praise my sister. Good thing I brought my plant books. I sit on the porch and begin to read.
My Uncle Frank walks outside, “Hey there Tony!” My uncle is the only family member that actually talks to me and pays attention to me.
“Hi Uncle Frank.” I said.
“What are you reading there?” He asked. I immediately get excited. Does he actually want to know about one of my interests? I began to explain to him my passion for plants when suddenly my sister walks outside.
My sister blurts out, “Uncle Frank come here I have to show you something!” My Uncle walks always and follows her like we were not in the middle of a conversation or anything. I immediately become filled with rage. I am snapping tonight. When we go home, when she is sleeping maybe I will stab her to death with a kitchen knife or choke her to death. Then again there is no way I could get away with that. I begin to think of something I can do that will leave no trail of evidence. THE ROSARY PEA SEEDS! Perfect for killing without being caught. It is also a quick, but very painful death. I will slip one into her food by the end of the night. Nobody will notice I’m gone so I take my grandpa’s bike to the local garden where they grow them. I find them immediately and get back to my grandparents just in time for the Christmas Eve feast. I sit next to my sister at the dining table.
“Tony will you pass me a brownie?” She asked. Perfect time, I already have the seed in my hand and smoothly push it into the brownie as I hand it to her. I watch her devour the brownie. I begin to feel joy fill my heart. Suddenly my sister claims to be feeling sick. She gets up to go to the restroom and on the way there she drops dead. I can almost see her soul lift from her body. Everyone rushes to aid her, but I remain eating at the table knowing she is dead. I smile and take a bite into s delicious brownie.
The next few weeks have been the best weeks of my life. The investigation on my sister’s death remains unsolved. They have no evidence to go off of. My parents have actually been paying attention to me. I have one last obstacle, her funeral is tomorrow and I am pallbearer. I just hope not to show too much joy as I carry her dead body to rest with the demons of hell.
The next day at the funeral everyone seems devastated, yet I am filled with happiness. It is time to carry the casket to the grave. The casket fits my sister’s personality, dark, black, and dull. We begin to carry the casket towards the grave. I peek at the people in the crowd. Wait, is that my sister in the crowd? I peek again and she is not there. I must be seeing things. I look up. Again! My sister is there but she vanishes. My eyes are just playing tricks on me.
“Tony why?” My sister whispers. Am I going crazy how could I have just heard my dead sister talk to me? We are almost at the grave, just let me make it to burying her. I begin to hear more whispers. Did I overreact by killing my sister? Nonsense she deserved it. We approach her grave. What a nice tombstone, shiny gray big bold black words. Wait, the words say “Tony why?” How is this possible, I rub my eyes and look again. It still says it. Please let me make it to burying her. We approach the grave I look down to see my sister lying there crying. I did overreact by killing her. She deserves better. I am just not to her level as a human being. I can’t take it. “I killed her! My perfect sister, I killed her! Put me in her grave, I can’t take life anymore!” I yelled. I am truly beneath my sister.       

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