The Shadow House | Teen Ink

The Shadow House

October 27, 2014
By Jeremy Krainess BRONZE, Tallmadge, Ohio
Jeremy Krainess BRONZE, Tallmadge, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Shadow House
As I walked home from school on Thursday I couldn’t think of anything else besides the shadow house. Just one look at the old, dark, and outright creepy house put feelings of dread and fear inside of every kid. Normally I can tolerate the broken down building with its dirt covered windows, decaying wood, and above all it smells as if something is rotting inside, but today was different. I had the abandon building on my mind since PE 4th period on Monday. I was in the locker room changing before PE and I hear the obnoxious voice of Henry Lock, the coolest kid in school. All the kids loved Henry on the count of him being the star football player, but I hated him. As I turned to see what was happening I could hear Henry telling some of the guys about how there was an abandoned house on River Street and how scary it was. Usually I would take no part in the idiocy of these types of conversations but I live just four houses down from that place and knew quite a bit about the subject. Henry began to tell the guys about how he went into the house to explore once and how he wasn’t scared at all. Unlike the other guys in the locker room, I knew that his story was a lie, nobody- and I mean nobody- has ever made it out of that house alive. The people who built the house back in the 1800’s were Satan worshipers and supposedly used the home as a headquarters for their cult, the people after that were found dead in the upstairs bedroom, and everyone after that has either went missing, dies, or moved out just after moving in. Henry continued to blab on about how brave he was and how nothing could scare him, I finally couldn’t take it so I yelled out “Henry is a liar, he has never been inside the Montgomery house”.
Everyone looked at me with sheer disbelief that I had talked back to Henry like that. Henry turned to me and said “Yes I did, I’ve been in their tons of times”.
Everyone still staring at me with their jaws dragging across the floor, “No you haven’t, nobody has ever gone in there and survived” I said with the confidence of a porcupine in a balloon store.
Henrys best friend Patrick ignorantly yells “Henry has been in there lots of times, you’re just jealous because you are too scared to go inside”.
He was right, I was scared to go in, but so was everyone else in the town. Nobody in their right mind would willingly go into the house. Without thinking I respond with “How about Henry and I go into the house tomorrow?”, before I could take back my offer they all said that it was a go and ran into the gym for class. I felt so sick I called my mom to come get me and went home.
I thought about that house twenty four-seven for the next day until it was finally time for me to go inside of the house. I arrived to the house with just enough time to see Henry and his group ride up to the scene. they looked cocky and arrogant as usual.
Henry jumped off his bike while it was still rolling forward and said “Lets go kid, you ready to do this or what”, I wasn’t.
Even though I knew I wasn’t ready to go in and probably never would be ready, I never broke the confident persona as I replied “I was born ready”. Before I knew it we were entering the house. The door was covered in police caution tape which immediately had me thinking about the people that were killed here. As we approached the door Henry giggled the door knob and found that the house was conveniently unlocked. The door creaked open and the stench of something rotting overcame me, I felt like throwing up and I could tell t=by the look on Henrys face he had a similar feeling.
Henry looks over at me and says “Last chance to chicken out kid, you sure you’re ready for this”? I nodded my head yes and we began into the dark, shadowy house. We took about five steps into the house and  the creaky door slammed shut, and it wouldn’t open after that. We decided that because the door wouldn’t open that we would explore and find another way out.
I gazed at the gloomy, depressive, and utterly terrifying sight of the dark living room. All the sudden I look over to Henry and find that he isn’t there. I scream “HENRY COME OUT THIS ISN’T FUNNY” but nobody answers. I try again at the door and it doesn’t budge, and I noticed that the gang of boys that were outside are now nowhere to be found. I see tricker treaters outside and begin to bang on the windows and doors but nobody hears me. It was then that I realized that I was stuck in the shadow house........alone.
As I came to this realization I turned to the living room and stairs and it appeared to look darker now then it did a few moments ago. I shuttered over the view I noticed what looked to be a light under one of the upstairs doors. I walked up the creaky steps up to the door and grasped the knob. Before I open the door I give out a call to henry, “Henry are you in their? This isn’t funny”. I opened the door to a view of all the guys bikes that were on the front lawn a few minutes ago. I knew it was their bikes because they all had the same football stickers on them that you get when you make a good play. All the sudden I hear a horrific scream coming from downstairs so I rush down to see what it was. I was standing there in the entry way and it was silent again. “GUYS!?” I yell to try to get their attention and find them. Seconds after I yelled I hear another one of the awful screams, but this one doesn’t stop. It sounded like it was coming  from the wall next to me so I used the coat rack to bust down the wall only to find the most horrific thing yet, a dark hallway. I hear the shriek again and rush down the hallway after  it. At the end of the hall their is a large metal door covered with what looks like satanic symbols covering it, and the latin phrase “The Gates of The Bulls Den”. I tried to open the door but I couldn’t. I yell out “Don’t worry guys i’m coming ” as I threw my shoulder into the door. It fell and made a very loud sound. I walked to the window in the room and instead of seeing tricker treaters; I saw Henry and the rest of the guys in a cement room, dead. I was so overtaken with fear and I knew the only was I was going to be able to live was to get out of their now. I turned to run out of the house but the police officers were already swarming the room. They found the bodies just as I had and they arrested me. They escorted me out of the house in hand cuffs and onto the front yard full of reporters. They load me into the squad car and as the car began to move, I looked back at the house and saw faces in the window, It was the Montgomery family. 

The author's comments:

This story is an amazing tale of acurious group of boys and the horror they discovered in the shadow house

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