The Ghost of My Mind | Teen Ink

The Ghost of My Mind

October 27, 2014
By osnapizgracie BRONZE, Stow, Ohio
osnapizgracie BRONZE, Stow, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a dark, autumn day I encountered something quite peculiar. Nothing like this has ever happened before. This encounter would seem quite unusual, but I ensure you that this really, truly happened. I promise I am not mad I am completely sane.
I was taking a brief walk around the quiet, city, alone -- just before midnight. It was a gloomy evening, with no stars shining. For many years I would walk around this melancholy city, after the many baseball games I attended. I used to walk with my husband, until he died in an unfortunate automobile accident. He passed a year ago on that day -- at this same location -- around the same time. It was a rather strange accident. Normally no automobiles pass this street corner this late-except on that night. We were walking home from a baseball game, the last of the season. The part of the city we lived in was generally quiet because very few people lived in this area. Most people lived in the city next to ours. Our city was said to be cursed -- of course I never believed it.
On the way home from the game, my husband and I were discussing the game -- the best baseball game we ever saw. Our team won thirteen to zero.
“I cannot believe this is the third year in a row that we have won!” my husband stated.
“Neither can I, but it was a rather strange win. I have never seen two grand slams in one night.”
“That was the best game. I cannot wait until next year’s game.”
“I doubt they will have a better game next year, it is pretty hard to beat two grand slams.”
Suddenly, the street lit up which was rather unusual around this time.
“An automobile driver is emerging.”
I ran as fast as I could to get out of the way.
He was hit by the automobile, and he died -- instantly.
Exactly a year later, I was on that same road, after the last baseball game of the season. The team won, thirteen to zero, with two grand slams -- like last year. It was my first time going to a game after my husband died. I was walking when an automobile suddenly emerged. I jumped out of the way. I had this eerie feeling in my gut. I felt this darkness come over me. Suddenly -- everything went black. Then, I saw a ghostly figure emerge -- it looked like my husband. As soon as I was able to recognize the figure as my husband, I heard a bang and then the town lit up again -- he was gone. I could not believe my eyes; the driver of the automobile was dead. I was able to realize it was the same man who killed my husband last year. The police came instantly and arrested me. I was confused; I was not the one who committed this crime.
Why am I being arrested, I thought, I am clearly not the one who did this.
I was put into a dark, dirty, and stinky cell in jail. I did not understand why I was blamed for this murder. I waited until it was the night of the next day to escape. I plotted it very carefully. I saved the spoon they gave me at dinner to dig my way out of the cell. I was able to get out after a few hours because the dirt floor was soft. The police officer in the jail fell asleep with his lantern on. Suddenly --  everything went black. My husband’s ghostly figure emerged, and then he was gone. The lantern mysteriously turned on again, the police officer was knocked out. His pulse was beating very slowly, he seemed to be in a deep dream state, or unconscious.
I ran for my life. I knew I would get blamed for this, I just did not understand why. I seemed to be in the wrong places at the wrong time. I eventually made it to my dark, nearly vacant house. I went inside to see my little, black cat purring near the staircase. I went up the stairs into my bedroom. There was a faint light coming from my bedroom -- I stepped inside.
“I have been waiting for you,” a voice similar to my husband’s stated.
“What is going on? Is that you, William?”
“Of course it is I, what other ghost would be here?”
“Why are you here?” I asked.
“Because you never tried to save me the night I was killed. You just pushed me and ran out of the way. You were the one who killed me. So, I led you to our home.”
“I figured if I committed a few crimes, had you arrested, and then have you break out of jail, the police would never set you free.”
“I did not push you in front of the automobile.”
Then he disappeared. Hours later, the police arrived at my house. I tried to explain the situation with them. They did not believe me.

How can no one believe that my husband’s ghost is haunting me?
“Ma’am, we have a witness that said that you killed the automobile driver,” the police officer claimed.
“How do you not believe that my husband’s ghost did this?”
“There are no such thing as ghosts, ma’am.”
“You think I am crazy, don’t you?”
“Of course I do, ma’am. You are under arrest.”
I was taken away from my house. I was placed in my jail cell, which I stayed in for thirteen years. I eventually admitted to myself that I was crazy; I was the one who caused the accident for the automobile driver because I wanted revenge for my husband’s death, which I accidentally caused. His ghost was just a figment of my imagination.

The author's comments:

A women's husband died and spooky things happen in her life.

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