Fool's Paradise | Teen Ink

Fool's Paradise

October 27, 2014
By lilbigmac13 BRONZE, TALLMADGE, Ohio
lilbigmac13 BRONZE, TALLMADGE, Ohio
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My Heart beats, it hurts, I am sweaty, and soaked with fear. I see my friend Fredrick in a dark wet room dripping with brown cloudy water who knows what’s in it. Fredrick is tied to a chair and I’m trying to help but I can’t muster the strength to undue the restraints. He’s Whaling “It hurts help me it hurts! Just rip the old leather straps!”
I faintly say “I can’t get it; it’s too strong I need something to use to cut it!”
Fredrick with all his strength says “There are scissors in the…”
“Fredrick can you talk louder I can’t hear you where are they at?” I see his mouth moving, but I can’t hear him, I think to myself what is happening. That’s when I try and read Fredrick’s pale chapped lips.
“Okay Fredrick I’ll look in the crevice of this castle for something sharp.” His eyes open wide but I cannot tell what he’s saying. On my way down to the crevice of the castle I see a man with a hood but I cannot see his face. I wonder who he is but I don’t have time I have to find a sharp object, and figure out why my dearest of all friends is locked up.
Once I arrive at the towering black greasy looking door to the basement of the castle I open it and enter… While walking down the stairs, suddenly they turn into a slick children’s slide covered in blood and grease. I fall down the stairs, when I reach the bottom I know I must be hurt but I stand up, untouched, and perfectly clean I wonder to myself, how did this happen? I look at the “slide” and notice that it is a normal staircase again, how? Confused I am, but I can’t let this minor slip-up trip me from my real goal of helping Fredrick my best friend. It is still night and the basement is black so I cannot see anything except from a small window when the electrical bolt of death streaks the sky and the boom of a million soldiers sounds. I scan the room for any sharp objects but, I cannot find any. Then a streak of lightning strikes and I see a wine bottle, full it is so I take it and throw it at a wall! I take the sharp piece of glass and run up the stairs back onto the main floor of the castle and, into the room where Fredrick is and the door is locked and I see him in the room eyes wide, begging, and begging for my help. I try to twist the knob to the door but it won’t turn despite all the effort I have put into trying to unlock it. Who locked it? Is someone here?
“Fredrick I’ll come I’ll be there I promise!” I take several large steps back then force myself as if I was a ram at the door again, and again, and again, but it doesn’t budge. That’s when I get the idea that I can burn this wooden door down with a touch so I grab the torch light off the cement wall and hold it to the wretched wooden door but it won’t ignite. So I take some fluid from another torch and splash it all over the door it almost looks like blood in this lighting. I then hold the lit torch up to the door and the wooden door engulfs into flames. After a solid amount of time the door is gone but the walls in the room are on fire! I have to get my friend Fredrick out of the room before he catches on fire! I start to run to him but I can’t run… why I can’t run I need to get to him! “Fredrick I can’t move I’m stuck but there’s nothing to be stuck in” his eyes look past me as he still can’t talk and I look to where his eyes are looking and I see a man, a very large man in a trench coat that’s on fire but the man says no word I say “Who are you mister.” He says nothing just glares and stands.
  I keep pushing but I can’t move it’s as if I’m paralyzed, the man still stands behind me on fire but does and says nothing then all of the sudden he moves he took one step and pulls out a sword. I’m scared because now I know what he is doing he’s here to kill, this must be his castle. He walks toward me and I’m trying to run as hard as I can toward Fredrick but I can’t move I can’t move as fast as him. He walks past me grazing his sword to my ear cutting a tiny cut that bleeds only enough for a drip, and continues to Fredrick I scream “NOOO, NOT FREDICK HE IS MY ONLY FRIEND, WITHOUT HIM I AM NOTHING!” Then the man slices off his head with one jerk in his wrist and his head rolls onto the ground like I dropped a melon, then he walks towards me. The blood of Fredrick’s beats the man to me but when he gets to me he draws back his sword to kill me and he thrusts forward! I awake, it was simply a dream.

The author's comments:

My teacher wanted me to write this.

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