Moe's Cafe | Teen Ink

Moe's Cafe

October 23, 2014
By Katie Glassgow BRONZE, Inverness, Illinois
Katie Glassgow BRONZE, Inverness, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I walk into the diner, the waitress snaps her fingers and points at the second booth. I begin to make my way over to the ripped red cushions until I notice there is a large infestation of red fire ants perched on top of the seat. I slyly move to the next table over before the scary waitress sees me. I slide into the crusty booth and patiently wait for the slug looking lady to come take my order. As I watch the stupid and overly dramatic Lifetime movie play on the staticy TV, I notice that no one else is here except me. Maybe it's just an off time. Thump, thump, thump.

     The big waitress shuffles to my table and speaks, "My name is Blanche. Do you want coffee?" I have to bite my tongue to keep myself from laughing because her voice sounds like a dying orca whale.

     "Um, yes please", I manage to squeak out.

      She skids back over to the counter bar and grabs a grimy, chipped coffee cup. She fills up the glass to the very rim with jet black coffee. As she wobbles back over to the table, the cup of coffee swishes left and right. The piping hot liquid spills over the edge and makes its way to the floor. Blanche tosses the china on the dirty table.

     "Drink up", she purrs. I hesitantly stare at the black abyss of the drink and debate if I want to consume it. Call Me Maybe softly plays on the jukebox in the corner of the diner.

     "Hey I just met you, and this is crazy", I lift up my glass, "so here's my number, Call Me Maybe" sings the machine.

      Without thinking, I take a huge gulp of the butter coffee. It taste likes metal and burns my throat. I can feel my tongue begin to swell and I go and try to grab my glass of water. My arms will not move. I try to kick, nothing. I try and swing my arms, nothing. The room starts to spin and before I know it, my head hits the cool table. As I lay there motionless, semi-unconscious, I hear Blanche.

     "She's out, Moe!", screams Blanche, "I'll grab the handcuffs, you go get the saw and pliers". Then I black out.
     I wake up and my eyes are blurry. Everything is dark. I smell mold with a mix of wet concrete. There's a dripping sound coming from behind me and all I can concentrate on is the splashing of each water droplet on the floor. My eyes suddenly start to clear and I begin to make out the objects around me. It looks like I am underground or in a back room or something. I am so confused. The room has four walls each with their own set of drips, stains, and marks.

     There's a bed with a itchy wool blanket and a pair of work boots at the foot. Next to the bed is an old looking toilet and a big tub. There is a shower head that snakes up the side and sits right next to the wall starlight across from me. Staring directly at me is a camera. I stare at it intently and watch for it to make a move. Nothing. Hopefully no one is watching me.

    I realize that I am sitting on the floor, so I try and stand up. Still nothing. I cannot move. Suddenly, I see the camera twitch. I know someone is watching me now. I hear a large crack and the sound of feet stomping towards my location. If I wasn't already paralyzed to begin with, I would be paralyzed now with fear. The lights is the eerie room dim and the big steal door creeks open. I quickly lay down before the mysterious figure walks in. Maybe if I play dead, they will leave me alone. As the shadow turns into I person, I see a familiar face. Blanche wobbles though the doorway and approaches me.

     "Moe!" she yells. No answer. "Moooooeeee!!" She screeches.

     "What the hell do you want Blanche" a new voice echoes. This is the voice of a man. He's deep, but high pitched at the same time. Suddenly, the door creeks again and a tiny little person walks in. His chest his hairy and his white wife beater is stained. The gold cross around his neck looks fake and he is missing one of his front teeth. The hair on top of his head is scarce and his belly bulges over his belt. As he shuffles in my prison room, his face turns white.

     "Blanche!" He screams in the angriest voice, "¡por qué esto de nuevo Ay Dios mío que eres un idiota!"
     "Please Moe, please let me keep him" Blanche whines.

     "No! Absolutely not. Release him this very instant or you are fired. Last time you did this we almost got caught by the cops and this place could have been shut down. Without this cafe, Blanche, we have nada! Release him!" Moe orders

      The orca woman stares at me with a sad face, she glides over to a table the corner of the room. Her back faces me as Moe approaches my position.

      "Hola ese, I'm so sorry bout this man, my wife is a lunatic, I'll get you out of here in no time."

I sit on the ground speechless. What the hell is going on? Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my arm. My body begins to tingle and my eyes begin to blur again. Before I lose all consciousness, I look back at Blanche. I realize she is no longer at the table, and in fact, she is behind me, sticking a needle into my arm. As I begin to fade, I hear her heavy breathe of disappointment followed by an evil chuckle. I black out again, but quickly reawaken. I am sitting back in the crusty booth at the Moe's Diner.

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