The Guilty One | Teen Ink

The Guilty One

October 21, 2014
By whitneyG BRONZE, Thompsonville, Illinois
whitneyG BRONZE, Thompsonville, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a bright sunny day when Kaci Bridgefeild got released from Cedar Hill Mental Institution after being a patient there for over six long years. She finally got to put on normal clothes for once, and was so happy to be out. She walked outside; it took a minute for her eyes to adjust to the brightness, when it finally did she saw her father standing there with a big grin on his face. “Oh how I’ve missed you” said Kaci; “yeah, it’s been awhile dear” said her father. As they were driving down the road, kind of in an awkward silence, Kaci’s dad broke the silence by saying “do you remember Jill, the nurse that was there when your mom was ill?” “Yes?” replied Kaci in an eerie tone. :”well me and her have been seeing each other for awhile now, she really is a nice lady Kaci, I think that you will like her, she’s waiting for you at home.”

They were pulling up the long drive way, and she saw a blonde standing on the porch waiting, it was Jill. Kaci stepped out of the car, as she was doing so, she heard a kind, but off voice say “Can I help you with your bags, Kaci?” “Uh, I guess you can” Kaci replied. Kaci ran upstairs to look for Katie, her older sister. As she ran up the stairs and down the long hallway, that was covered with old family pictures of their family, Jill stepped out of a doorway and stopped Kaci, “You know, I really do love your father, and I tried to help with your mother, but it wasn’t my fault” Jill said with a sarcastic smile. “We all know why you like my dad, because of his money, why else would a young pretty woman want to be with him, I can see right through you” Kaci whispers. She noticed her sister wasn’t home, so she went to her room to unpack and she opened her closet and there was a box in the floor. She opened the box and it was a bell, the bell that was around her mother’s wrist, since she couldn’t talk, so she would ring the bell and Jill would help her with her needs. Kaci dozed off; she had a detailed dream from when her mom was still alive.

It was a nice summer night, and Kaci and Katie went to a typical high school party on the beach front. Kaci was sitting there with her boyfriend Chase, he tried going too far, and Kaci freaked and ran to her mom in the boathouse. She opened the door and ran through the back and hit a gas line that was attached to the propane heater, after she talked to her mom she slammed the door behind her and knocked the candle over. As she was running up the hill, she opened the door and walked in the house, everything seemed to be going in slow motion and the house had a dark eerie feel to it. She went down the long dark hallway and at the end was a door, which leads to her fathers office. The only light in the hall was through the keyhole. Kaci looked through the hole and saw her father with a blonde, beautiful woman lying on top of the work desk. At that moment, she heard a large explosion! “Kaci wake up!” Katie yelled. “You are having another bad dream, I heard you from downstairs!”
Kaci gives Katie a big hug, “I have missed you so much Katie, and how have you been?” Katie was very tall and skinny, she had a teenage rebel personality and she liked to drink and party often, but was a great sister. “I’m doing well, other than dad and his new dumb broad roaming around the house in a love daze.” “Look, I think mom is trying to tell me something about Jill, I have been having dreams, and it always has Jill, and I think she did something to her Katie” Kaci whispers.” “You can’t be saying that stuff, dad will send you back if he hears you talking all crazy like” Katie explains. Then, the girls hear a voice at the door, “Kaci, would you like to run to town with me, I need to run some errands and I think we can maybe get some lunch.” Katie replied for Kaci “Oh! I would love to go with you, Jill.” Kaci looks at Katie with a scowl, “Come on, and go so I can look around.”
Kaci and Jill were on their way to town, and all the way there it was complete silence, with an occasional smile from Jill. They went to the diner and had a talk. Kaci always noticed pearls that Jill wore around her neck, and she cherished them for some reason. She said that a friend gave them to her. Meanwhile, Katie was going through Jill’s things and finds old newspaper clipping of a murder that happened about twenty-five years ago. It was a family of four, with a nurse in the background. The caption said how the nurse who took care of the mother had murdered her to get with her husband, and then killed the husband for the money. Katie saw the pearls around the mom’s neck, and how they matched the pearls around Jill’s neck.

Kaci and Jill pulled up to the house and Kaci went upstairs to find Katie, she went to her room and Katie slammed the door, she had ghost white skin with a look of terror on her face. “What’s the matter?” Kaci asked, “Jill, she killed mom, you were right all along, she killed her to get with dad! We have to tell him” Katie cried, “there is no way he will listen to us” They opened the door running, and ran into Jill. She had a needle filled with some type of fluid. She lunged at Katie, Kaci went out the door and onto the roof and down the lattice into the yard. She went into the kitchen and didn’t hear a sound. She saw a trail of blood going through the kitchen and out the back door into the yard. She followed it with suspense. she saw it lead to the trash can, she was walking slower. As she was opening the lid a car pulled up and the lights shined on her, her father saw her standing there with a kitchen knife, and covered in blood. He ran out of the car yelling “What have you done?” “Jill killed Katie!” Kaci shouted “Katie? You know she died with your mother, shes been dead for over six years! Who did you kill!” Kaci looked down and realized what has happened, she opened the lid, and saw where Jill has been stabbed to death, then looks in her hand, and saw she had the knife. Kaci was sent back to Cedar Hill for a life sentence. To this day, she shows no remorse about what she has done.

The author's comments:

When I was younger, I was a fan of mystery/horror movies and books. I was inspired to write this article becasue I have always wanted to make up my own mystery/thriller movie, and now i have. This story is about a girl that is mentaly unstable and goes on a killing spree, to find out what happens, continue to read "The Guilty One."

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