The Patient | Teen Ink

The Patient

October 26, 2014
By teamsassafrass BRONZE, Moorpark, California
teamsassafrass BRONZE, Moorpark, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

November 17th 1974, A man named Robert Daylond was admitted to the Montana State Hospital for the Mentally Insane.

Robert never liked it when it rained. It was sad, and it made the whole day seem dull. He closed his curtains so he wouldn’t have to see the dreary day outside. He peeked his head out of the door and asked if he had any clients today.

“For the third time Mr. Daylond, No. All we have this week is the new guy with depression and Ms.Kindly.” She answered with a bored look on her face.

Robert sighed and went back into his office, he regretted leaving the busy city of New York City for the small town of Darby, Montana. Although he was the only psychiatrist for miles, he still had little work to do.
  Robert fell onto his psychiatrist’s couch and closed his eyes, finding that that was the only thing he could do to keep himself entertained. The sound of the rain soothed him to sleep.

  He awoke to the sound of knocking on his door, he opened the door expecting more paper work from the secretary to find a boy standing right in front of him. 

“I saw your sign, can you help me?” The boy asked.
“Uh sure” Robert said, then looked at the secretary, “I don’t have any appointments today right?”
The secretary glared at him, “What do you think?”
“Right.” Robert said as he shut the door behind the boy, “You can call me Mr. Daylond. What’s yours?”
“I’m Steven Mckoen. This is a nice couch Mr.Daylond.”
Robert grinned,  but it faded when he saw the bruises on Steven’s arms.  “Are you having some issues at home Steven?”
“Is that what you came here for Steven?”
Steven nodded, rubbing his arm.
“I see. Who gave you the bruises?”
“My dad.”
“How long has your dad been doing this to you?”
“Since my Mom died.”
Robert rubbed his eyes and looked away.  He has never had a case like this, He took a deep breath and asked Steven questions about himself and his family.
After about an hour, Robert decided it was time to end the session, “We can talk next week ok Steven?”
“How about tomorrow instead?” Insisted Steven.
“That’s fine. Just come back the same time tomorrow then.”
         The next day Robert came back to see Steven already in his office.
         "You're pretty early." Robert said smiling.
         "I had nowhere where else to be" Steven replied.
         Robert nodded, "Do you stay at your house?"
         Steven shook his head no. "I don't like to be around my dad."
         Robert nodded, "I see. Well come here any time you want." Robert didn't like it that Steven didn't have anyplace to go and feel safe. He worried about Steven's father and what he might do to him if he goes too far.
         "Thanks Mr.Daylond, I will." He smiled. And looked down at his lap.
          A week had gone by since the first time Robert met Steven and he had now made a deeper understanding of what Steven was going through. Also the more sessions he had with Robert, the more worried he became.
          "Steven, where do you live?"
          "4921 Maple Street. Why do you want to know?" His eyes widened. "You're not thinking of seeing my dad are you?"
         "Actually I am. All I want to do is talk to him."
         "Please don't Mr.Daylond Then I won't be able to see you again!"
         "What are you talking about? Of course I will."
         Steven ran out of the room. Robert stood up and looked out his window to see Steven but he'd already ran too fast to be seen.
         The next day Robert didn't show up to the office. He went straight to Steven's house. His heart was beating fast and Steven's last words to him team through his mind.
         When he got to maple street he saw no house that was 4921, but then he got to the end of the street.
         Robert opened the door with his mouth wide open. The house in front of him had been removed. He stepped onto the yard. Pieces of burnt wood were strewn across the lawn.
         "Isn't it a shame?" said a voice from behind Robert. Robert quickly turned around and saw a large muscular man staring down at him.
         Robert was in shock, "Are you Steven's father?"
        "What? No! I was their neighbor.I'm so glad I wasn’t related to that freak."
.       “What did Steven do?” Robert says, his body turning cold.
        “ You didn’t hear? It was all over the news! First Steven burned down his own house, with his father in it. And right after, he killed himself! He stole his dad’s gun and shot himself right in the middle of our col-de-sac!”
      Robert was shaking his head, “W-when did this happen?”
“Just about a week ago. The police showed up and everything! Hey mister, you Ok?”

Robert, felt faint. Unsure of what was real anymore.  Steven’s voice kept ringing in his head  and Robert couldn’t take it anymore, he passed out and fell to the ground.

Robert Daylond stayed at the Hospital for 8 years, until he hung himself from depression in his own room. If you ever visit the ruins of the mental hospital you can still hear him, talking to Steven.     

The author's comments:

I wrote this short story for Halloween. Hope you like it!

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