Every tenth month of the year | Teen Ink

Every tenth month of the year

October 28, 2014
By Anonymous

Ever had a night mare so vivid so detailed you felt like it was real? When you wake up as if you were neve really asleep? Or woke up so tired from running so far so fast and you don't know why? Ever just thought you were plain insane. Let me be the one to tell you your not. That's what they want you to think. It plays with your mind, tricks you, gives you nightmares till you think your out of your mind.  Scared, alone confused don't be , your not the only one who thinks this .          It happens once every tenth moth of every year,since eny one can remember. No one really knows what it really is or what it actually wants one thing is for sure it leaves it's victims traumatized. Some not able to talk for weeks or months, some never return to normal, Some never seen or herd from again. Some people do not even recall they ever lived. Few are able to return safe, and tell from ther own experience what they have seen , what they have herd. I was fortunate enough to return unharmed. I do not have much time tho , when they find out what I have done , this may be the last tale I ever write. It must be done for those who can still be saved.           At first you think it is just a night mare, then you have it again with the same events over and over again. Until the smoke starts following you in a dark abandoned town where people are starring out their windows while you scream your heart and soul out. You think that is the end. All you know is to keep running THE ROAD IS ENDLESS !!! Until you look back and it has vanished. You wake up back in the room the first few times you can't remember eny thing, you are just so tired. The process repeats it's  self, this time it's longer and when the smoke catches you it burns you like a thousand knifes stabbing you all over. It's hard to breath. Finally you fall you wake up in your room bearly able to move burn marks like a hundred fire red ants. The smoke is all around so gray and thick and so hard to grasp bits of air, all you can think is about the pain and your will to escape. Once you get out of your house , can't see a thing as if you were blind. Thick, hot humid, slimmy air. Smoke that chokes you as someone runs up to you and screams leave ! You must get out of here! You have to go! That's the moment you fall and you see the smoke that drowns you. Voices from all around yelling and screaming at you but you can't make out what they are saying. Unable to move , walk or talk barely able to capture specs of air. Now your looking at your self from the sky view like you are flying above . So peaceful so calm it's like a weight was taken off your whole body.       "I'm so sorry this had happened to you." A girl no more then ten years old said. What is happening? It happens evry year it chooses it's random victims. "What is it?" No one knows it's just an awful event that occurs every year, all we know it feeds and grows off your fear. You can not be scared it is the only way to defeat it. We all could not , we did not have the strength, were trapped here forever but you still have a chance to save your self. You have to think of your worst fear and stand up to it , it's your only chance. She said.    The fear of this thing harming my family, I'm suddenly pulled back down to reality. I get up and am filled with peace no fear, pain just peace. Instead of running away I walk toward the fog. I close my eyes I return to my front lawn, the fear the pain the confusion everything just gone. I go inside I end up blacking out. The next thing I can recall is wakeing up in the hospital with people I do not know. I asked what had happened, they say I have been so stressed and terrified of some same occurring nightmare. One day I just didn't wake up.          Of course the Dr. Does not believe but I know what I saw what I herd what had happened. I was able to go home and slowly every thing seemed to be coming back to normal.  Every one has their different story, some never herd from again, some just simply disappear, some just completely removed from ever living. I was saved only by standing up to my worst fear , Others just keep quiet afraid to say eny thing afriad to have people call them crazy, just plain afraid to except the fact that it was ever REAL! Not just a nightmare. It all occurs on the tenth month of every year, when All Hallows'  Eve is silent, it attacks. Comes like a theif in the night, tricks you to think your losing your mind. No one knows what "IT" really is or what it really wants, Every year it happens, every year someone is left confused and deadly afraid.        Do not be the person to think this can't happen to me, when your off guard and you least expect it , it just might. Know one knows how to stop it, but we do know it's real for a fact. One way or another we must over come it. The only way, is to conquer your greatest fears. It's going to be you or "IT". Fight,fight,fight!There is no other way.         Hallows' Eve a day when nightmares and getting scared is fun? Just a harmless fun holiday? Or and awful curse you would not wish on no one, or was not real and would not happen to you, A curse that really there is no escaping from.A curse that you can not vanish. A curse that is here to stay.

The author's comments:

It's close to Halloween and I know people like to get read scary stories. I just hope it's fun enough Happy Halloween ????????????????????????????????????????


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