Penguin Sliding | Teen Ink

Penguin Sliding

October 30, 2014
By kmswim26 BRONZE, Congers, New York
kmswim26 BRONZE, Congers, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

And there we were, before we knew it, in a bowling alley. Started out as a fun afternoon gathering, quickly morphing into a chilling situation. Right before our eyes everything had changed. Although we were not, our surroundings were ageing five,ten, maybe even fifteen years in advanced. It was changed, everything was changed. It was just us left, all the people had somehow disappeared, but had they really? But then, is this really that bad? The lights were not out, the doors were locked, but the snack stand was still stocked, and the lanes were still functioning. So I thought lets have the best afternoon ever! Then, it started.

Free popcorn, pretzels, sodas, and even french fries. We ate as much as we wanted, when we wanted it, and when we had enough, we decided to bowl. None of my family and I had been decent bowlers anyway, but it was still fun. However, playing games for three straight hours became boring and the kids got silly. Three straight hours of ramming the ball into the bumpers with a few spares here and there got old. So the kids decided to go slide down the lanes to guarantee a strike every time. Before I knew those were my kids, penguin sliding down bowling alley lanes. After not too much time, the adults started to join in as well. We all were slipping and sliding down the lanes just as the penguin do. But of course, my family was being my family, and they/we took even this to the next level. Girls ran into the bathroom and got all the soap we could, and the boys got all the water they could. And before we knew  we had made a bowling alley slip n slide.

But of course, all great things have to come to an end. Just as fast as it happened, it all undid itself just as fast. Things were changing, everything was changing, just how it happened before. Similar to a vortex of ageing all around us. Then I heard, “hey are you ok?” “wake up, wake up!” It was my husband John, and my daughter Lily staring right at me. And there I was, sitting in the middle of the bowling alley lane post getting knocked out. But from what? Penguin sliding? Did that really happen? Did I actually get knocked out? Then, I got the full story, and all I know was that was the coolest dream ever!

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