Zombie Outbreak | Teen Ink

Zombie Outbreak

October 31, 2014
By Gerardo Ramirez BRONZE, San Fernando, California
Gerardo Ramirez BRONZE, San Fernando, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was an early Monday morning about 9am , where all schools in the valley entered school . New rule set for all schools in california , in which we were all happy and sorry for other states . I entered school where all my homies were at we all had our “Cool” nicknames they called me “Valley” i don't know why but they just did . So we all gathered around spit some rap  make funny jokes before the bell rang for us to go back inside .

Then we entered our room we all had advisory together , we enter “ayyyyyy wassup teacher “ sit down responds the teacher with a angry voice . We all seated and we put CNN on since that was the schedule for each monday , and so we did . “Good Morning california , we have all encountered a disease that would make have some weird symptoms and its not very nice thing to feel they have been 10 people with this rare symptoms  and have been sent to a specific hospital where no one can enter and it’s right here On san fernando  . “Oh snap thats very close to our school student’s “ everyone gets kinda afraid , “ well thats all for today california , have a beautiful day “ . “yoo valley “ What happen ? “ that’s some crazy stuff thats happening out here have to watch out with this valley “ Haha yea don't worry i'll have something with me at all time .

I head home , mom “ what happened “? Did you hear about some weird symptoms happening to people ? “ Yea i heard of it this morning to “ well yea and also mom the hospital here close to us and the people with the symptom are their , “ yea i know we have to be careful “ yeah mom i know don't worry i think i got this . Second Day of school comes we entered school ,  everyone taking their time in their test , i raise my hand “ can i go to the restroom “ teacher “ yea hurry back “ i take all my stuff with me no one knowing i was carrying a 9mm with me with extra cartridges with ammunition . I'm in the bathroom , but i sense a weird smell , thinking someone farted , but it smelled like rotten meat . I didn't care so i go and do my business and i hear behind be in the bathroom stalls “arghhhhhhh “ i'm like what the ****** kinda afraid and i bring down my backpack open it and get my gun out , with three Mags . I open the door slowly , the zombie pop’s up on me “arghh “ aww get the hell off me , bang bang x13 emptied out my gun on him . I run out shirt full of blood and scream yoo their in here and i see more coming at me , i get out my other mag and bang bang bang all of the shots i fired were straight to the head .

After , i seen all the zombies i had killed i ran out the school searching for my family i went straight home , mom see’s me “ what happened “ ? they zombies are out roaming everywhere “omg are you okay “ ?! yes im okay mom , where’s andy and abel ? “their in school “ , damm it im going to pick them up . I ran to my room and get a box full of ammunition and guns . I grab my brother’s soccer bag and i empty out my bag i take out my 9mm , the magazines i had i insert new bullets in them then i dig under my bed for another box and get my Automatic AR-15 with 10 magazines with a little pouch of extra bullets . I get up and run to the door mom “ under my bed their some equipment , if you see one run to my room and lock your self in their and dont come out till i call you an extra phone is on top of the bed “ ! okay mom said . I rush to their school , knowing their school was pretty far . I head back to the garage i click the door for it to open and then i get into my car that my dad had bought me , “click “ shhhhhhh bang , I head into my Nissan Skyline R35 and i go to pick up my little brother’s and sister . “Calling “ ? Jessica ? where you at ? “ im at my friends house “ and at the moment i knew where he friends lived at , but in my mind my brothers and mom were in my mind , i press on the gas and i get to my brother’s school . I rush inside leave the guns inside the car and ran inside . “hello how may i help you ? “ yeah im here to take out Abel cruz and Andy cruz ? “ What Grade ? “ okay take a seat .

i waited for like 10 minutes and here they come , lets go guys hurry their out here zombies are out here lets go were on our way to pick up jessica and we rush to the car . “Put on your seat belt’s on were heading onto the Freeway . We go and fast cutting all the car’s when we have a chance we go on the freeway i didn’t care about no police stopping me because of the speed im going on . The speed limit will be 45 mph i went more then 45 i passed more than 120 mph . 

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