Zombie Apocalypse | Teen Ink

Zombie Apocalypse

October 31, 2014
By Luis Martinez BRONZE, San Fernando, California
Luis Martinez BRONZE, San Fernando, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was Sunday night when we were pacing to come back home from visiting our family. We were at the gas station when i went in the store to buy food for the trip but then i saw that there was a lot of blood in the store so i started to panic i then heard a weird noise and i went to see what it was and i saw a zombie eating the cashier. I then ran but the zombie got my leg and i fell so i kicked the zombie and i started to run outside when i saw a whole gang of zombies attacking our car with my family inside. I tried to make the zombies follow me but half only tried to get me and the other half was breaking the car. I then lost the zombies so i went back to the gas station to so i can go help then but it was too late because the zombies broke the car and my family wasn't in there. Then i heard someone calling me and i saw that it was my family just that my dad was missing. I asked my mom where was dad but she said that he wanted to save them so he risked his life for them. After we got all the food from the gas station and took it and tried to find a car and i then saw a fan full of weapons and it had the key so we took the car. We then got home but nothing had happened in our town so we rested and when to sleep.

The next day something woke me up so i went downstairs to get cereal i waited for my mom and sisters to wake up then i head something in my moms room. I opened the door and i saw that my sisters were eating my mom. I didn't know what to do so i ran outside to ask for help. When i got outside i didn't see no one so i yelled out for help but no one answered i then went to the car full of guns and i went inside the house to shoot the zombies in the house. Then i went back outside and i saw more zombies coming out of the houses so i started to shoot all of them i got surrounded by the zombies but i managed to shoot all of them so i got in the car and left the town.

I was far away from the town so i stopped to check if i didn't forget nothing and if i was OK but there was one problem my arm was bleeding and i saw teeth marks. I was bit i panicked and didn't know what to do then i saw 3 people and i went with them and told them that i was hurt they told me how i got hurt and i said i jumped a fence and got cut badly. They took me to there house and they put me in a room and stopped my bleeding then we all left downstairs and i told them that i had guns in a car and i gave them the keys for the car. They told me what i was doing and i told them that i was infected and that i was going to leave so i won't infect them. I ran and i never saw them again.


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