Two O-Nine | Teen Ink

Two O-Nine

October 29, 2014
By jsnte. BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
jsnte. BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 2:09 before the pain spread through my body, as she pushed her long rotting nails trough my stomach. Her rotting face and pitch black eyes stared into my soul, my screaming echoed the room as I sat upright gasping for air relieved it was all a dream, I look around the room to make sure there’s nobody there, I quickly head to the bathroom to take a burning hot bath, water flows through my body as I notice the water turning red. There’s blood everywhere, I scream and get out, I quickly realizes it’s all my imagination the waters running clear. I head back into my room when suddenly there’s a knock that seems to come from the mirror. I slowly turn around and there I am in the bed my nightmare is repeated, the images repeat themselves as if they were on replay, I scream and fall to the floor and hold my head in between my legs as I plead for it all to stop. Gasping for air I’m back in my bedroom In my bed as I look to my left and read 2:08 on my alarm clock as I see a pair of long rotting nails coming out of my closet.

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