The Mysterious Island | Teen Ink

The Mysterious Island

November 3, 2014
By Beege BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
Beege BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
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Once upon a time there was a lonely island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, The Island was called Mystery Island. Mystery Island is located off Jonesport, Maine. Fisherman from Jomesport and Beals all know about Mystery island and some are afraid to even sail by the island because they believe it is bad luck to even sail by the island because it’s so mysterious. Mysterious Island has been haunted for centuries on centuries, that’s why people don’t go on the island. The tail goes that there was an ancient civilization that lived on the island years and years ago, there was a school house, a church, and a store over on the island and about 150 people lived on mysterious island at one point.

When the civilization was on mysterious island the people from main land said they could hear loud and awful screams coming from the island, the screeches coming from the island were horrifying. One man name John went over on the island one day after he heard a scream he sailed over in his boat and went on the island and people say that nobody ever heard from him again after he went on the island. When John never came back the word was all over town, everyone was terrified when they heard, so they sent a search crew to go find John because they think he may of slipped and fell on the rocks and got hurt. The search team sailed over to the island and went on the island and searched around they didn’t see any trace of John but they did see some of the civilization over there. There was one man that only had one ear and that was pretty creepy they searched and searched for John and no trace so they went back to the main land and told everyone they couldn’t find him.
The people from main land would sit outside and listen for any mysterious activity that went on over there and they listened for a night but they heard nothing. A few days went by and nothing mysterious happened on the island, a couple nights went by and there was a strange green light over toward the island that people could see if you were looking just right. The light was so strange people were really scared of it so they took shelter because they didn’t know what was going to happen. They looked over and saw a strange ship approaching in the distance the ship looked like a pirates ship.

Some kept watch on the island for hours and hours until that ship sailed into the island and picked up a few people off the island but they were dressed in all black and couldn’t see them very well. It could have been anyone and anything they put on the pirates ship, the pirates ship sailed off into the distance and disappeared. The green light was still there shining and they also said they saw a weird flashing green light as well later on that night the light lasted all night into the next day and then it just vanished.

The ship that came into the island was talked about for several months and nobody had any idea who owned the boat that sailed into the island or what kind of boat it was all they know is that it was a pirates ship that nobody has ever seen. The people from Jonesport and Beals started a new search team to go back and look for John so they formed the search team there was 25 people total in the search team and they were determined they were going to find John so they sailed over and went on the island, they had dogs, and also they had guns and plenty of ammo for anyone that wanted to cross their path.

They continued on the island and went through every house over on the island asking everyone over there where he was some of them said they never saw him and some of them said they saw him but didn’t know where he went. They ram sacked a lot of houses over there and left their mark on the island that is for sure. They meant business and they knew never to mess with the people from main land again, they still continued their search all day long, they saw many people that had deformed fasces and deformed arms legs and hands it was really messed up. They searched and searched and then all of a sudden behind a slumped tree they could hear John light saying “HELP!’ “HELP”. John had finally been found and he was really hurt you could tell he hadn’t had water and food for several days and he was very weak. They got John gathered up and took him back to the boat firing at a group of people form the island saying “ If you ever touch one of us again you will pay!”

The team got John to the boat and back to main land and took him to the hospital and he became well again after 3 weeks it took a while but he became healthy again after 3 weeks and he explained to us what happened he said they are cruel people and there is a lot of creepy things that go on over on the island he said they took him and tried to kill him by starving him. John said he will never step foot on the island ever again, John told the team that he is thankful for them finding him and he said that the people over there need to be killed and pay for what they have done, who knows who else they will attack.

There has been many bodies found floating in the water near the island but nobody knows if they came from the island or not but they have an idea that the bodies are from the island but John said he never saw anybody else over there and he never saw the ship sail in but he did see the green light and what it was. John explained that it was a flying saucer and aliens were on the island that night but he didn’t know what they were doing and there’s probably no way to find out unless they could go over there and kidnap one of the people from the island that is the only way they could find out what is going on over there and they want to risk to capture one of them. So they went over to the island and captured one of the people over there he spoke English surprisingly so he told us a little bit about what goes on over at the island but we think that he was lying too us somewhat but some was the truth, he said that the aliens visit the island every Tuesday night and come over and talk to a certain guy over there but he said that he didn’t know who he was and he also told them that they try to capture us from main land and experiment our bodies but they never did it to John.

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