The Golden Crown | Teen Ink

The Golden Crown

November 7, 2014
By Anthony Choi BRONZE, San Jose, California
Anthony Choi BRONZE, San Jose, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Connor who always had a typical and somewhat specific dream to be a first person to find the Golden Crown. Golden Crown was indicated somewhere on Egypt with their friends, Connor, Jack, and Steve.

                   Next day, the all three boys transports to the airport to get the plane to the Egypt. And later, they got on the flight and expecting the plane to arrive within at least 17 hours from Michigan.

                  Later on, when Connor, Jack, and Steve went out of the plane and exits airport, they got a dazzling taxi and arrived at the castle where the Golden Crown is indicated. The castle was called “Canyon Castle” and the castle had enormous rocks on the walls with some not understandable pictures and Egyptian tombs to Connor.

                  While Jack and Steve was following where Connor was going, Connor finds several types of path that they can choose from. But since they were in hurry, they picked the random path and finds the mission on the wall.

              When Connor, Jack, and Steve reads through the mission, there were several choice they were able to make, either just solve tons of easy problems every path or just solve one hard mission to direct path for Golden Crown. And Jack said, “Well, why don’t we just solve one hard mission and just go through Golden Crown? It is also time conserving.”. And their mission was to find the oldest tomb in the castle, which was not easy at all.
            While Connor goes into the gloomy room with just one lights operated, Jack and Steve started to find the tomb that was considered “oldest”. They all knew that there was a year and a date every tomb case. There was total five tomb located indicating the number of 1st one saying 1100B.C., 2nd one saying 1900B.C., 3rd one saying 900B.C., 4th one saying 2100B.C., and last 5th one saying 2250B.C. And the answer was obviously 5th one, 2250B.C. Later on, they were opened to go directly to the room where Golden Crown was indicated.
         When Connor, Jack, and Steve finds Golden Crown, they headed back to the airport and got a plane to go back to their home. And later on, according to the news, Connor was a first person to be find the Golden Crown.

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