Cool, Calm and Collected | Teen Ink

Cool, Calm and Collected

November 11, 2014
By hgureckis11 BRONZE, Pembroke, Massachusetts
hgureckis11 BRONZE, Pembroke, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
the mind is born a blank slate, on which experience writes

I knew there’d be a citywide blackout. Bound to happen sooner or later with these crazy heat waves. I just happened to be in an elevator with three sweaty businessmen I’ve never seen. Of course, just my luck. I pressed myself into the cool stainless steel wall and waited. They were all silent as first; I assumed we were all strangers. They all awkwardly stared at each other. Hours passed, still no one moved. As one man began pacing he slipped a cigarette out of a crushed pack of American Spirits. “You aren’t going to light that, right.” The tallest man said, more like a statement than a question. “of course I am.” Said the other, carrying out the letters more than needed as he twisted it between his fingers. The tallest man glared and said, “Like hell you are” as he tried to snatch it from his lips as he lit it. His hand, instead, met the man’s face. He took it as a threat and they both started to yell. Fists began to fly. The third man, who remained silent through the whole thing, slid down the wall on his back until he reached the floor. He looked at me as his finger reached his lips, whispered “Shh”. As he looked away, he shot them both. I instantly froze and stared at our reflection in the opposite mirrored wall. Both of us were slumped on the floor, very quiet. In front of us, the two bodies laid still, the cigarette drowning in a pool of blood between them. The man next to me shut his eyes and leaned his head back. “I’ve wanted to do that for months.” That’s the only thing he said for the rest of the time we had together. When the elevator finally began moving, he stood up and dusted off his suit. I didn’t dare move. When the doors opened, he glanced back at me, tipped his hat with his finger, nodded and glided out of the elevator. Cool, calm and collected.

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