ms.joe | Teen Ink


November 13, 2014
By Anonymous

Single mom Amy woke up clueless of the tragic event that would occur later that day. She wakes her 3 year old son, Trevor up, disturbing his peaceful sleep as they start their day.
It was a normal morning for Amy and her son, wake up, eat, and then goes to work and daycare. Amy walks her son into his preschool where she is greeted by a kind woman wearing a name badge that says Ms.Joe. Ms.Joe looked like one of those nice, generous, kind old retired ladies who would sit on their porch doing a crossword from the Sunday paper with a steamy cup of coffee in hand. Amy had never seen this teacher whom greeted her and offered to take Trevor to his class that morning. Amy felt like her son was in good hands and left to go to work.
  It was 7:07 pm and Amy had just shown up to pick up Trevor up from school, she walks down the hall until she reaches the colorful door with the faded words “Mrs.K’s Room” painted onto the door frame.
When Mrs.K turns to see who was in the doorway she had a very confused expression splattered onto her face.
“What are you doing here Amy?” politely asks Mrs.K
“Picking up Trevor, just like every other day…” Amy muttered with a nervous tone.
Mrs.K pauses almost if she has no clue what Amy is talking about.
“Trevor didn’t show up for class today, are you sure you brought him in today?”
Amy held back her tears as she explains the events that occurred that morning. A look of pure terror hits them both when Mrs.K claims she hasn’t heard of a Ms.Joe and restates the fact that she hasn’t seen Trevor all day.
How could somebody have taken this innocent child and when would he return home?

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