The hole in the woods | Teen Ink

The hole in the woods

November 13, 2014
By colem1625 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
colem1625 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear diary-
                        This is the 5 month anniversary of my death, and I am finally ready to tell my story. I traveled to my grandfather’s house in Virginia the day before I died. He lives in the woods and is the caretaker of an old civil war cemetery. It was the first time I’ve seen him since my grandma died, and he took his job a few short weeks after. Right off the bat I noticed he was different. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the job or because of my grandma, but he seemed on edge the whole time. I wasn’t exactly “invited” I demanded I visit, because I figured he could use some company, he denied my offer at first but I insisted. A few hours before my death he seemed strange, even stranger than the previous hours I had been there. It seemed like something was bothering him. Right before I went to bed he mumbled that he wanted to give me a tour of his cemetery. He showed me a few graves; he proceeded to walk towards the woods as I followed him. As we entered the woods I asked “where are you taking me?” He stared down at his feet and I received no response. He walked towards a clearing in the trees and right in the center there was an empty hole. I proceeded to ask why he was showing me a hole. He stuttered something very quietly but I never heard him. Instead of looking at his feet like he was doing the entire walk to this clearing, he tilted his head towards me. His piercing blue eyes stared into mine and she walked ever so slowly towards me. I backed up as his pace nervously as he had that look in his eyes that my dad described to me when my dad was about to get in serious trouble. All of the sudden demanded that I’d stop walking. He shuffled his way over to me and pulled out some sort of blunt object. I screamed as I knew what was about to ensue. He raised his arm and I felt a pain on the right side of my head. I stumbled towards the grass and I blacked out for what seemed like a brief moment. I slowly opened my eyes only to be met by the same blackness as before. I tried to breathe but barely received any air before tasting dirt in my mouth. Suddenly I knew what that hole in the woods was for.

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