His Inner Demons | Teen Ink

His Inner Demons

November 13, 2014
By Mr.Butters BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Mr.Butters BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Get on my level bruh"-Lorenzo Martinez

It is a cold winter night and I am sitting at home with my mother. It is very cold from having it just snowed the other night. I can smell my mother’s perfume which reminds me of being at my grandma’s house which is very relaxing.
I feel as if someone is breathing deeply on me but there was no sound. I turn around and no one is there. Then, slowly, I turn myself back around and find myself startled to find that my mother is not there. I hear a low pitched scream right after I got up from the couch to look for my mother.
I jump up and look in the closet that seems as if it is telling me to look in it. I find a body. The skin is torn off and is hanging up like a coat on one of the racks. Blood is strewn all over the floor like it is spaghetti on the floor.  I recognize that it is my mother.
I dial nine-one-one but instead of an emergency responder I get a crackly voice “I can hear you breathe”. Heavy breathing occurs through the phone exactly like when the accident was about to happen.
I run outside to the fresh snowy air as a large man approaches me. He is roughly six foot seven and he looked like he weighed at least four hundred pounds. He smelled of urine and 3 day old blood. That could probably describe why the smell was so bad with all the medical equipment the man had in his body. He was like a pin cushion but oddly reminded me of my dad who died in the hospital a couple months ago.
The man crackles “I can feel your pain”. Confused, I turn around and bolt for the weather shelter that is behind my house by the big spruce tree.
I open it up to a small man looking up at me. The man’s face was very pale, as if he was hiding in the weather shelter all his life. His eyelids were cut off and his eyes were blood shot and very, very dry. The sides of his lips were stretched so far out that they ripped giving him a permanent smile. Also, a tongue stood out of the tiny man’s large mouth it was forked and about four inches sticking out. The small man licks my arm and says “You taste like straw berries”
I develop sores that burn like the fires from hell sting my arm as I sprint to the spruce tree forest surrounding my cabin. Realizing I was safe, I sit down by a tree and catch my breath, I feel my chest move up in down. Then a hole strangely appears. I look into the hole and see my father’s coffin from when he died in world war nine. It had the words “I can see you shaking” etched in everywhere in all different shapes and sizes. I feel heavy breathing on my shoulder.
I turn around and no one is behind me. I turn back around and a telephone, two very differently sized men all standing shoulder to shoulder behind the coffin. They all gesture towards the coffin, as if telling me something. The phone starts ringing. I start to pick it up and I blink.
The people are gone and the hole in the ground isn’t there anymore. The pain in my arm is gone also. I walk back home and my mother is still dead, but she is next to a shotgun and she is without a head. Her body is also decomposing. I take out a knife and slit my own throat. They had won. They had killed me

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