Maple Street | Teen Ink

Maple Street

November 13, 2014
By Alexaa1011 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Alexaa1011 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    Angela and Joey were so in love, they got married at age nineteen and two years later had six
children. Michael was a seventeen year old boy who was athletic, he was the oldest. Megan
Was sixteen, she was girly and hated that the moved to Georgia, she missed all her friends.
Then there was Destiny and Riley who were both seven year old twins and Tommy a five year old, the youngest of them all. They all lived in a small house in Utah. One day Joey got offered a better job in Georgia, he took the job. “Mom are we there yet?” Tommy kept asking his mother every ten minutes. “Almost honey, take a snooze and we’ll get there sooner,” Angela told him.
    After a long drive they finally arrived to Georgia, it was sunny and muddy. The perfect weather to be on a four wheeler. Even though they didn’t think it was bad they had expected Georgia to be a city or a big Village. Maple Street was different from what they’ve ever seen, it felt lonely. They didn’t really get a superb feeling about it. Maple Street was dark even if it was daytime it seemed like it was midnight and it was really parched as if it was a desert, compared to other parts in Georgia and streets.
     There weren’t any other houses but theirs in that street. It was surrounded by trees everywhere. The house was really beautiful and very immense it looked like a mansion. Although it was an a hundred year old house it had very little damages. With a vivid, color on the walls and big windows everywhere. The inside was elegant.  It seemed like a peaceful place to live. You could tell nobody had lived there for a while because there were a lot of spider webs and the windows were all closed and had curtains.

      After they finished cleaning and unpacking it was already night time and everyone went to their own room to sleep. Everyone but the twin, they couldn’t sleep. They kept hearing noises. They told their dad and Joey went to put them to sleep. He tucked them in and gave them a kiss on the check leaving them as they fell asleep. But as he was leaving he saw blood dripping down the walls spelling out “GET OUT!” He thought it was Megan and Michael putting a prank on him so they could scare him and they could leave back to their hometown. He went to check on them and they were both asleep. He went back to the twin’s room and more blood was dripping but it spelled something this time. It spelled,” I’M NOT KIDDING, CHECK THE BASEMENT IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE ME…” Joey was getting scared but he went downstairs to the basement and there in the basement was a dead body. Dry blood everywhere and the smell of something rotting in that room. It had been there for a while because it had rats everywhere too. His eyes started getting big.
     He ran as fast as he could to wake everyone up and leave. He drove as fast as he could trying to forget what he saw. The family was all confused and kept asking him what happened. He was so scared that he wouldn’t stop shaking. He kept driving all night until he knew they were back in Utah. He never told anyone the story and they never again moved.

The author's comments:

I wanted to write a horror or thriller story for the first time.

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