I'm Outside, Watching You | Teen Ink

I'm Outside, Watching You

November 13, 2014
By Sean Boyer BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Sean Boyer BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 “Ring! Ring! Ring!” The phone woke Pedro up from his slumber. He got up sleepily and answered the phone, “Who is calling at this late at night!”
“I’m outside watching you right at this moment,” Said the voice from the other line.
“Sure you are,” Pedro said sarcastically as he hung up the phone.
He sat back down and started to watch T.V. when he heard a noise outside. When he finally got the courage to go outside and check what was going on nothing was there. He turned around and noticed that the front door was wide open.
Slowly, he walked into his house looking around nervously trying to find something suspicious. He looked down at the ground and saw a horrifying sight; a trail of blood was leading upstairs. Pedro quickly ran for his gun case and loaded a pistol. As he followed the trail of blood a ball of ice started to form in his stomach making his whole body shiver. After getting upstairs and following the blood trail down the hall it stopped right at the bathroom.
He starred into the bathroom, hands trembling, as he felt the cool metal of the gun. All of a sudden the lights turned on and Pedro saw the face of a bloody clown. The lights turned off just as quickly and Pedro rushed down the hall towards the stairs. While going down the stairs Pedro tripped and fell down the whole flight of stairs. He landed with a crunch and pain immediately shot up his arm, which was bent in about six different ways. He looked up to see the clown walking down the stairs while laughing a horrible laugh. His vision was getting darker and the clown was getting closer and closer until finally his vision went black!

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