Who am I | Teen Ink

Who am I

November 13, 2014
By abbylove BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
abbylove BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just be nice

I woke up in an ally. Covered in dust. I couldn't even remember my own name. All I knew was they couldn't find me. “Omg mom is this a true story?” Asked Samantha. “Yes darling this is a true story and might happen to you when you turn sixteen.” “So were you like dead?” (Sigh) “No Samantha now hush and let me tell you the story.”
  “So where was I oh yes.” I got out of the ally and saw an Italian restaurant to my right and a Mc Donald’s to my left. So I started running to the Italian restaurant.” “But if you lost your memory how did you know how to run or read?” “I swear Samantha if you don’t shut it I will never tell you this story.” “Ok dam mom take a chill pill.” “As I was saying, I walked in and smelled the fresh baked bread and the delicious smell of ravioli it seemed appetizing but I needed information. I saw a waiter and asked him “What day is it?” he told me “Its 11/11/11 ma’m.” So I suddenly started panicking and I ran out of the restaurant. I was walking down the road when I bumped into a man. “Oh sorry.” When suddenly he grabs me.
  I started panicking because I didn’t know him but somehow he seemed familiar. “You.” He said. “Me what about me.” “I just quit my job for you.” (Gasp) “You’re one of THEM.” I tried to run from him but he had a good grip on me. “Yes I am one of them but I quit, I saw who we were looking for, you, but I couldn't go through with it you have to go somewhere safe.” “But where can I go!” “I’ll take you somewhere safe.” “So who was he?” asked Samantha. He is your father we traveled to a small town in Texas and he helped me get most of my memory back. But along the way we just fell in love. “That’s the most bizarre love story I’ve ever heard mom and I’ve read twilight.

The author's comments:

Mystirious with a bit of romance

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