The Dog's Eye | Teen Ink

The Dog's Eye

November 14, 2014
By LDixon BRONZE, Camden, New Jersey
LDixon BRONZE, Camden, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The only time I look down is when I'm helping someone up.

     Once upon a time there was a kid named Jeff Bradley. He was seventeen years old. He went to Woodrow Wilson High School and was in the 11th grade. He loved going to that school; he loved how he could see all his friends and could make it early to his classes. Well, today’s the day everything changes.
     One cold morning on October 23, 2004, he was leaving his house. He lived in a small, white house on the scariest street in Camden, New Jersey: Elm Street. So one day, Jeff was walking to school when he saw a small black and white Pitt Bull with blue eyes. So, while he was walking the small, blue eyed Pitt Bull came up to him and started to sniff. When he went to pet it, a lady who lived at the corner of elm street named Margret Strolemen, who is said to be dangerous because she does voodoo on animals, screamed the dog’s name out, “ Cheeewwy !!!!!!!! Get over here now!” The dog walked to her, crying, so Jeff felt bad for the dog.
     So, as Jeff carried on walking to school, he heard a loud dog scream, so he turned around to see the scary lady, Margret Strolemen, carrying the dog by his tail. He was hanging upside down, crying, but Jeff couldn’t do anything. When he got to school, his first period class was computer technology. So, while he was on the computer, he researched the scary lady, Margret Strolemen. When he clicked enter, there she was. Back in 2002, she was in a psychiatric house for slaughtering three cats and four dogs, so she spent three years in a hospital. After that class for the whole day, Jeff couldn’t get the sight of what that scary lady would do to that dog off his mind.
Finally, on his way home, he walked to her house. She was staring at him through her window and he kept walking. When he got home, he had found out from his mother, Michelle Bradley that the scary lady’s dog has died.  He knew all of a sudden that it wasn’t an accident so he felt bad.
Weeks go by and sometimes he feels like the dog still comes up to him and smells him.  So, one day he was home when the mail man came and dropped of a small box. When he got the mail, it had his name on it. He realized that he never gets mail, so when he started to open it, he smelled an awful smell. He screamed in terror to find out that it was an eye: not an ordinary eye, but a dog’s eye. So, he called the police. When they arrived, he explained to them how he got that dog’s eye in his mail. They said they’ll investigate when they left.
He felt sick to his stomach, so later on that night he was trying to sleep when all of a sudden he hears the same crying he heard when the lady grabbed the dog by the tail. So, he jumped out of bed and looked outside. When he did, he was shocked in fear to see a little black and white Pitt Bull sitting in front of his house, looking at him through the window. So, he ran down stairs and opened the door. The dog came up to him, looking down crying.  So, when he picked it up, he screamed in terror to find out that the dog’s eye was missing.  He ran upstairs and got his mom, but when she came down the dog was gone. So, ever since then, Jeff has never felt the same about any animals ever again.  He was scarred for life.
Seventeen years has gone by.  Jeff Bradley got out of that bad neighbor to a nice big house in a place called Cherry Hill; it was nice and quiet. Jeff also has a wife named Emily Bradley and a little boy named after him, Jeff Bradley Jr. One day on October 23, 2016, Jeff Bradley was about to go to sleep when all of a sudden he heard a cry coming from outside of his house. So, he goes downstairs to see what that noise is.  When he opens the front door, he was shocked to see that the same dog with the eye missing was there in front of his door.



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