On our way | Teen Ink

On our way

November 19, 2014
By Brooke Lee GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
Brooke Lee GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On our way
A wife and her husband were on their way home from a bar where they were ate some dinner and had a few drinks with some friends.  It was getting late so the wife told her husband it’s getting late we better start our way home.  It was about one in the morning and they suddenly ran out of gas and they were completely alone in the middle of the nowhere.
As the wife began to yell at the husband exclaiming I told you earlier to put gas in the vehicle before we left! He then explained well maybe if you didn’t have me running around to get your dry cleaning and folding the laundry, and watching the kids I would have had time!  She rolled her eyes and took a deep breathe this is not time to be arguing over the dry cleaning now.  We need to find help she said.

The husband stepped out of the car, saying comfortingly to his wife, "Don't worry, I'll be right back. I'm just going to go out for some help. Lock the doors, though."

She locked the doors and sat restlessly, waiting for her husband to come back. Suddenly, she sees a shadow fall across her lap. She looks up to see... not her husband, but a strange, crazed looking man. He is swinging something in his right hand.

He sticks his face close to the window and slowly pulls up his right hand. In it is her husband's decapitated head, twisted horribly in pain and shock. She shuts her eyes in horror and tries to make the image go away. When she opens her eyes, the man is still there, grinning psychotically. He slowly lifts his left hand, and he is holding her husband's keys... to the car.

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