The Woods | Teen Ink

The Woods

November 14, 2014
By xxMandy BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
xxMandy BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  “Come on! It will be fun!”

     I hear Layla say to me. Hi my name is Jeannelly, I’m 16 and my friend Layla is 17, we love getting scared but mostly scaring other people. Layla wanted us to go to the woods near my house and explore cause I’ve seen people go into those woods and a few weeks later on the news missing.“You’re so lucky, you get to live near it, and it’s a great place to scare people!”I rolled my eyes knowing that she was going to get there earlier then me and try to scare me, how I know? Sadly, she always tries to but always fails.

     We were walking to my house because she wanted to check out the woods. As we were walking we saw houses decorated and ready for Halloween. “Everything is supposed to be scary not cute when you decorate your house.” I thought to myself, we were passing the woods and I got this creepy feeling someone was watching us “ok this is my stop, Jeannelly I guess I will see you tomorrow.” Layla said snapping me out of thought, as she was walking towards the woods, I wanted to stop her but I decided to keep on walking. I guess I was imagining things because these woods are cool but creep me out there something about those woods that makes me feel like I’m in a horror movie and I should run for it….. But that’s crazy. I laughed to myself knowing I’m just being paranoid; I turned around and saw a glimpse of black in the woods “I guess that was Layla….. Hope she is ok…..”
     It was Halloween and I wore a black cloak, had a basket with a knife in it, black boots, hair straitened, black skirt, white fake blood stained T-shirt, and I had fake blood on my face running down my mouth. I went outside and saw my friends Jayson and Amanda, Amanda and I decided to be twin killers so she wore the same thing I did. “Jayson why didn’t you dress up?” I asked him, he just looked at me and put on a scary clown mask and a black cloak. “I guess that’s close enough we get to him dressing up this year” Amanda says looking at him; I just roll my eyes at him “ok well we need to go and meet up with Layla at the woods.”

     We got to the woods waiting for her to try to scare me but something felt strange, I shrugged it off and told Amanda and Jayson to go and start without me and I will wait for Layla. They went on and I was there alone waiting for Layla to come already, I got the same strange feeling and saw something in the woods and walked toward it. It was Layla’s backpack she was wearing yesterday “This could be part of the plan to scare me but something doesn’t feel right” I walked in and I saw someone running to me it was……. It was Layla! She had a huge gash on her arm and her clothes were torn like she was running though a knife factory, “Jeannelly! Run! Run away from here!” and saw behind her that she was being chased by a guy in a white hoodie so I ran for it but behind me I heard Layla screaming and I took one look behind me and saw he had killed her. I was crying while running but I had to brave and keep on running, I tripped over my cloak and when I got to my feet again he was in front of me.

     The moonlight hit above us and I saw his face, he had a huge smile carved on his face, blood all over his jacket, his eyelids were cut off, his skin was a ghostly pale, and his hair was as black as night. I couldn’t believe he was real the guy we all thought was a myth…. Jeff The Killer. He stabbed my shoulder and I yelled in pain more fresh blood on his jacket my blood, something moved behind him something tall. He turned to see what it was and I took that as an advantage to run, I could see the end of the woods but I felt a sharp pain in my leg and I screamed but kept on running trying to forget the pain in my leg.

I heard a voice “Jeannelly! Is that you!” it was Amanda I didn’t think I was that long in the woods but by the time I got out I saw both Amanda and Jayson running towards me “Jeannelly your arm and your……” they went silent staring at my leg, I looked at my leg and saw a knife sticking out of it. I reached for it and took out the knife “Jeannelly what happened in there?” asked Jayson staring at the wound on my leg, I just looked at him and everything went black.

I woke up in a hospital with Amanda sitting in a chair asleep I didn’t want to wake her but suddenly I was engulfed into a hug “Jeannelly I’m glad you’re ok” Amanda says. I smiled “I’m fine Amanda but what happened?” she told me “After you passed out Jayson said he saw something in the woods and that we needed to get you out of there so we took you to the hospital where they told us you lost a lot of blood and that you needed rest but me and Jayson decided to stay and be there for you cause your our friend our best friend.” I smiled and a nurse came into the room.

“Miss we need you to go, visiting hours are over you can come by tomorrow.” Amanda gives one more hug then leaves. Later that night I heard the door open and I opened my eyes and saw him closing the door and I screamed.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 24 2014 at 12:33 pm
angelbaby20008 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wi, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
We should all start to live before we get to old. Fear is stupid and so are regrets.

Good Story :)