Halloween Night | Teen Ink

Halloween Night

November 14, 2014
By IslanderJuan BRONZE, Lewisville,Tx 75077, Texas
IslanderJuan BRONZE, Lewisville,Tx 75077, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was getting ready to go trick or treating when my sister come in running into the room saying that we were not going trick or treating because there was a really heavy storm with some ice coming that instead our parents would go get 1-3 bags of candies instead. So I called my friends to cancel the going trick or treating that we had planned for weeks. At the mean time my mom and dad where leaving to go for our bags of candies.

My friend told me to get out through the window when they left and to head to their house. Their house was on the other street so I told him that I would be there in ten minutes.

When I got there they were outside waiting for me, we left right away we walked for 30 minutes. Then we saw a big house with all Halloween ornaments we went to the house and saw three to four baskets full so we tuck the whole baskets. Then there was a gun fire that we heard we ran out trough the yard. We ran all the way to my house where my parents were just arriving from the store we told them what happened.

The next day the police went to the house that we told them about. They told us that there was a young woman like 24 years old that had been shot and that the gun was there. They also told us that we had o leave the country because the killer was free and that he could be looking for us. We left the country and went to Oklahoma. One day a man walked into our apartment and told us that my friends had died and we were the only ones that were left that knew about the dead girl.    

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