It All Started With Isabell | Teen Ink

It All Started With Isabell

November 20, 2014
By Roxyb BRONZE, Glendale, California
Roxyb BRONZE, Glendale, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Isabell? Isabell! Where did you go?” Richard started to panic and paced around searching for Isabell. Nowhere to be seen, Richard made his way to Isabell’s favorite area in the woods, the lake, just a few miles ahead of their house. When he arrived he noticed Isabell on the deck, looking beyond the lake, frozen in place.
“Jesus Isabell! I thought I was going to lose you for a minute,” Richard said with a relieved tone. Noticing Isabell has not yet responded or moved at all, he becomes concerned.
“Isabell? Are you okay? Is something bothering you?”
Isabell mumbles something that Richard does not catch.
“What? Speak louder dammit!” he says with aggravation.
“You,” she responds, still looking out to the glistering water. A second after responding, Isabell cranes her neck, meeting Richards’s eyes with a small sinister smile and lunged at him with such force and strength that you would have been dead right then. They plunge into the water, Isabell scratching, biting, blemishing Richard with the thought of getting the deed done. Richard could not stand a chance, still in shock and excruciating pain from the impact of the fall and of Isabell’s actions towards him. If you were to be near the deck you would hear a raucous: splashing, gasping, screaming and then, complete, pure silence. Neither Richard nor Isabell appeared out of the lake that day.

50 years later

“Did you hear that?” Anna said alarmingly.
“Hear what?” Michael looks at her annoyingly. Anna and Michael approach the shallow water, wetting their feet. 
“Listen, listen!”
Swim with us.

The author's comments:

I was looking for a topic to write about for my English assignment. On the bus, listening to music, Tech N9ne song Boogieman came on and I became obsessed to the lyrics of the introduction and thought I could write a story with a theme similar to that. Here it is:

And just when they thought that everything was peachy keen,
Somewhere deep within' the shadows,
There were other things to be seen.
An untamable beast with an urge to feast
And only alone would he stand.
The culprit of fear on the 67th tier
There lies, the boogieman.

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