Lady or Tiger Continuation | Teen Ink

Lady or Tiger Continuation

November 15, 2014
By KristieThompson SILVER, Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey
KristieThompson SILVER, Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He turned, and with a firm rapid step he slowly walked across the empty space. Every heart stopped beating, every breath was held, every eye was fixed immovably upon that man. Without the slightest hesitation, he turned to the door on the right and opened it. Without a minute’s hesitation, the tiger came charging out. The death bells rang as the tiger circled around the carcass of its last victim.
The king immediately cheered with joy, while the princess sat in her chair with a look of guilt on her face. The princess had known that what she did was completely selfish, but she couldn’t have bared seeing her lover marry another woman. Her plan was simple; she would make a slightest motion towards the door with the tiger ready to pounce inside since she knew her lover well enough to know that he would be watching her. She was correct he was watching. However the princess’ plan failed to include the guilt she would feel after the deed was done. The crowd roared with anger and disbelief as they stared at the motionless body that layed in the center of the arena.
The king was not going to get away with this. Everyone in the crowd was angered that such a grand youth didn’t deserve to be killed. The princess was just as much to blame as he was. “Silence!” demanded the king, but nobody listened. The king knew exactly what the people wanted, and he used that to his advantage. “I shall change some of my barbaric ways and do more for the people of my kingdom,” proclaimed the king. The crowd instantly became a symphony of gasps. In all their years in the kingdom, nobody would have ever thought the king would make such a statement. But for some reason they believed him. The king knew what to say but that didn’t mean he exactly meant it. The gathering was called to an end as the people of the kingdom went back home to their houses and back to their normal lives. The king knew that he would have to be more careful next time he wanted to do anything, so that he wouldn’t be killed by a group of angry protestors. The king’s semi-barbaric life slowly went back to normal and everything in the kingdom became once again in sync.


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