monster in the mine | Teen Ink

monster in the mine

November 25, 2014
By rachelwarncke BRONZE, Oak Ridge, New Jersey
rachelwarncke BRONZE, Oak Ridge, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My best friend Tally with a thin scar cutting through her left eyebrow, her red hair blazing in the dim fire light of the torches on the side of the abandon mine. Tally is short her head coming up to only the center of the torch where as my head is above the neon flame. Marian, she is about as tall as me with dark brown almost black hair. “well considering we are never going to get out of this mine alive i say we play a game to see who eats who first.” Marian said happily.

“Stop it marian we are going to get out of hereand we are not going to eat eachother!” Tally yelled making the mine walls come alive shuddering.
“Tally is right we should keep moving maybe there is another way out.” I said . As we slowly inched deaper and deaper into the darkness of the mine we realized we were being watched. When we looked back we saw nothing but darkness and the flickering of the torches lining the wall. “Wait.” i said “Did you hear that?” The flames of the torches were instantely snuffed out. we screamed in fright.
“AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” we all bellowed i heard a loud thud and suddenly the torches flickered back to life. But wait where was Marian? She was no where to be seen Tally and I searched frantically but found nothing.
“Hey whats that.” Tally said with a shakey voice she pointed to a trail of small red dots on the floor of the mine. I grabbed one of the torches off of the wall and held it to the dots. Blood. The drops of blood got bigger and bigger as we went in. Soon leaving not just drops but puddles then, what looked like riversof blood. Soon we started to see flesh. An arm. A leg. A heart. The monster that took Marian ripped her heart streight out of her chest. The air was moist the cave walls dripping with water. We walked up some more and saw the armless, legless, heartless marian lieing face first in a puddle. on the wall written in blood it said…
“stay away from my heart.” the letters dripped from the wall like lava oozing from the mouth of a volcanoe.
“what the heck does that mean?” Tally said stairing streight into my eyes.
“I dont know but we have got to get out of here.” I screamed with fright in my voice. We ran as fast as we could away from the body. Suddenly there it was an opening, the sunlight, we could see it. We were so close. Tally and I leaped out into the sunlight. The moment we leaped out of the old abandon mine the rocks crumbled in front of the opening.
“Wow!” i whispered. “Thats the last time anybody will ever go in that mine. we have to tell someone!” I said this looking into Tally’s eyes. They were filled with depression at the fact that we would never see marian again.
One week later we atended a funerole for marian the whole town showed up. As I looked around I noticed that there was an unfamiliar face. The man had a wolf-like face and razor sharp teeth. His face somewhat hidden under a pitch black cloak. The man walked over to me.
“its a shame what happened to your friend.” he said in sort of a growel. “lets just hope you dont get your heart ripped out next.” The man slowley walked back dissapearing into the woods.
“Um no one known that her heart was ripper out accept for me and Tally.” I murmured quietly to myself. “who is this guy?” i said out loud to myself as i walked back to Tally’s side.

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