Whoopsies | Teen Ink


November 24, 2014
By KyleOHS BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
KyleOHS BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Ooop Kill 'em"

I was sitting in the back of an armored vehicle as I was being taken to prison for the mass slaughter of a 100 people. I was being violently interrogated by police chief Jenkins, I of course haven’t been any attention and have been denying everything because, I have no reason to explain myself I’m already going to jail. Alas they thought differently, after denying the first few answers they decided that it would be great the break my arm in hope that I would talk. Unfortunately for them because I never talk.

I slowly noticed that we were no longer on a highway, but instead an old back country road, appearing to go nowhere special. Sadly for me after another hour and a half, my other arm was broken. I noticed that we were heading to this old abandoned building that was just showing over the trees. The second we saw the base of it, I knew exactly what it was, an old abandoned jail. I started freaking out and broke my silence “THIS CAN’T BE LEGAL!” I screamed with all my lungs, only to find out that these in fact weren’t even police officers.

I was flung out of the armored vehicle at breakneck speed, I landed with a thud on the other side of the fence. So naturally I decided to go inside of the large beautiful looking gate, besides the giant mass of moss on it. It was a great looking jail, quite ornate actually. I walked into the jail only to find a rather large table full of odd-looking instruments that definitely were meant for cutting things. I decided that it was meant for cutting hair after a while. I walked forward to it and started looking at them closer. Once I got there, I sat down on this ornate chair as an old man came out in a barber outfit. He asked me if I wanted my haircut, because I obviously can’t do it myself with my two broken arms. I replied “Yes, that would be very nice, I would like it about neck level.” his response was “Yes ma’am. But please stand still,” He pinned down my arms with cuffs and same with my legs. He placed a mirror in front of me and asked me is this good and as it gestured to my neck and my response was “Yes,” he then pulled out an ax lined it up perfectly and cut my head off in a quick, swift manner. I felt my soul leave my dismembered body.

“This will go perfect with my collection.” He said.

He walked out of the room in order to drop off my head with his collection of other ones. He sat down beside my body and started skinning me slowly but effectively. He started laughing a low laugh as he said, “Another one for Ed Gein!”. I never would have taken him for who he was, an evil satanic creature, I was believed to be one of his last victims but nobody knows for sure. He was only convicted of 2 known murders, but most people believe there were more. Nothing he could do would convince me otherwise, especially after my skin was transformed into a pair of gloves. Another figure stepped out of the darkness, but this one was a clown he was sort of demented looking. He had a large smile almost from ear-to-ear I believe its called a Glasgow smile, he looked insane, like any minute I could be dead, more dead than I am anyway. Never once would I have dreamed that I would be slaughtered by one of the worlds most famous serial killers.
Too bad they never realized that no one can stop the will of Satan.

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