Noted Anonymous | Teen Ink

Noted Anonymous

December 9, 2014
By snydercm BRONZE, Castle Pines, Colorado
snydercm BRONZE, Castle Pines, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Its a Sunday morning. I wake up to a cold wintery feeling on my skin. The wind is hitting my window into my room with force. I go downstairs and I am the only one awake because I always wake up so early . I open the chilly fridge to get some eggs and and make breakfast for my family. My brother Jack, my mom Julie, and my dad John will be so happy. When I have finished making eggs, pancakes and fruit, I yell “Mom, Dad and Jack, breakfast is ready, come down!” as I am putting their breakfast on the plates. Usually, my mom would be saying that to me, but I felt the need to make her breakfast because of all the work she has done for me.
“Wow, Elle, I  wasn’t expecting to wake up to this!” my mother said, so surprised.
“It’s a surprise for you since you do so much for me”, I say, while flipping over the pancakes. 
“Well, what a lovely surprise, thank you! Lets get eating”, she says.
“You’re welcome, Mom”, I said, as  I put fresh daisy flowers in a flower pot on the table.
I come over to sit down at the table with my family. We are just having a normal family conversation about school and what's happening in the world, and also telling jokes. When everyone is finished, my mom goes to clean all of the dishes.
“No Mom, I got this, you go back upstairs and go to bed.” I demanded to her. As everyone went back to bed, I was the only one down stairs. “DING DONG, DING DONG.” The doorbell rings and I stop what I’m doing and go answer it. A box, with my name on it sits, noted “from, Anonymous”. “OPEN NOW!”,  I see on the top of the box. I get some scissors and I snip the tape off of the cardboard box. I dig through and look inside. A flower pot! It is rusty and has cute little reindeers on it.  I think to myself, “I need to put this in my room since its almost time for Christmas”. I go upstairs into my blue room that looks like the ocean. I set it on the inside of my window. The sun and snow gleam off of this metal, rusty object. I go back downstairs to finish cleaning and washing even more dishes. As I am washing the dishes I see someone at the front door with another box! I hide to make sure they don’t see me as I have always been afraid of people at my front door that I didn’t expect.  Then, again, “DING DONG, DING DONG.” The mysterious person runs off as fast as they can and POOF, disappears. I slowly go to the door and unlock it and see the same exact kind of box, noted “from, Anonymous” for me. I open it to find my favorite flowers, roses, that are ombre. They went from white to pink to red to an even darker red. “Why is this person giving me gifts? How do they even know me?”,  I ask myself. My brother comes down and sees these 2 boxes that I opened, so I tell him about the doorbell and the strange person.  “That’s really weird!”, he says with concern. Trying to make him feel less anxious, I tell him, “You don’t need to be worried, at least they aren't gifts that could hurt me. And, I’ll bet you $100 that this is the last of it.” I whisper, so I don’t wake my mom and dad up. I always tell my brother everything and he knows most of my deepest darkest secrets . I tell him to forget about it. After I am finally done washing all the dishes and putting them away, I go downstairs in the basement to practice dance. After, I go up to my room and lay on my bed, just sitting and wondering who this could be that is leaving me these puzzling gifts. I look on my vanity and I see a picture of me and what used to be my best friend, Bella.  We got into a really big fight last year that I guess lead us to not being friends anymore. It was all over this guy named Jake, of course. She liked him and I liked him too, and then BOOM,  everything went up into flames. I got the guy and we have been dating for a year now. I am the happiest girl ever when I am with him. After thinking about Bella and wishing we were still friends, I watch some t.v.. I get up off my bed and go to my bathroom because I am already ready to go to sleep after all the food making and dish washing, practicing and thinking I did today. I take off my makeup, brush my teeth and put on sweats and a loose short sleeved top. I go lay on my tempurpedic mattress and look at the flowers this anonymous person gave to me and then I stare at the cute Christmas flower pot. I see something at the bottom, a pink sticky note that reads. “I always have known Christmastime is your favorite time of year. Get ready!” So weird! Finally, I decide it’s time I go try to get to sleep.
Today is Monday and I wake up and do my daily routine to get ready for school. As I do, I think to myself, “It has been 3 weeks and 1 day since this mysterious person gave me the curious gifts. No one is acting suspicious at school, so I imagine that it is probably just one of my friends playing a joke on me, as they usually do”. As I am getting ready the doorbell rings. I go to it very cautiously because I am hoping it is not a gift again. I open the door. It is just my neighbor, who wants to borrow my curling iron. I run upstairs quickly and come back down with it. They are gone, nobody is  there anymore, but on the ground, a box noted “from, Anonymous”. I open it. There is a huge note at the top saying “You better watch out, you never know what’s about to come your way”, and under that note is a teddy bear,  all ripped up into pieces. Under that is another note saying “This is what you did to me, now it’s payback time!”.  “How could someone ever think that I have shred them into pieces?”,  I wonder in my head. Jack sneaks up behind me and looks over my shoulder, “Looks like you owe me one-hundred-dollars!”, Jack says, so sarcastically.
“Really funny, Jack.” I throw my sarcastic back at him along with a glare.
“Oh, and its a threatening note, looks like you owe me even more dollars.”
“Stop it Jack, I’m not gonna let this person get to me and freak me out,  it's not going to happen.”
“If you say so!”
I think about what he just said and reply with “Yep, I think so.”
“Okay, then”. Jack says, “ I will just leave you alone. But, if you need anything and want to talk to me, I am always here.” he says, in a caring way.
“I know, I know, best brother in the world right here, Ladies and Gentlemen.” I say with even more sarcasm in my voice.
On the way to school, I keep having flashbacks of the box that I just opened and I suddenly remember, that was my teddy bear that someone stole from me in 3rd grade! I go to my Social Studies class with my boring teacher, who has the most boring voice ever. It is all I can do to stay awake sometimes. Finally, it’s lunch time, I get up and go to get pizza. The line is so long, as usual. All of the sudden, someone came up to the back of me. I shriek in fear, but it is just my boyfriend, Jake. I can’t keep this to myself anymore. I tell him all about what has been happening with the anonymous gifts and creepy teddy bear. Then, I feel someone staring at me. I look over to see is my used to be best friend Bella,  just staring at me. She is wearing all black. Black coat, black pants, black shirt, black hair, and black shoes.  “Why is she staring at me so weirdly like she wants to kill me?”, I think to myself. “What if she does want to kill me? No,  I don’t think she would be that mad about me and Jake. Maybe she is just going through a hard time right now”. I go back to the table to eat my lunch with Jake and then I go to my brother telling him that I told Jake about what has been going on and he is the only one that knows besides him. I also tell him that I don’t want him to tell anyone else and he promises me that he will keep the secret. That afternoon, I get back from school and go sit on my couch and eat. Then, a few minutes later, I get up to do my homework, but in that few minutes, there was another doorbell ring. “DING DONG, DING DONG.” I go to get the door but as I do, something at the back door catches my eye. I see a person, in all black that stands for a moment and then runs away. I freak out and panic and scream my brothers name so loud. My parents are still at work. Jack comes running down the stairs to see me bawling. “What's wrong?”, he asks, in a breathless voice.
“There was was was was a a a a person, at the the back door, in all ll black starr starring at me.” I say, stuttering.
Jack heads to the front door, opens it and bends over to pick something up. “Well, whats this box? Should  I open it?”
“Ye yes pl pl please”, I say, still stuttering.
He grabs the scissors to open it. Bunches of  notes are inside of this mysterious box. He reads all of them silently before sharing them out loud, afraid that I will get upset. I see the look on his face while he’s reading them and it looks like he is about to cry. “Whats wrong?  What do the notes say, Jack?.”
“You're not going to like them, they are threats to you.”
“Why would someone be doing this to me? This isn’t fair to me”, I say.
“I have no idea.” He says, looking down at one of the notes. Then, he just rips it up.
“I am going to find this person, Jack.” I say, so confidently.
  “I will help you, Elle.” He said, helpfully.
“No,  I am going to do this on my own, I don't want you to get involved.”  I say.
“Okay, but I will step in if I have to.”
I get up to go and investigate, but all the sudden I feel really sick to my stomach,  so I go and lay on my bed. I must be exhausted because I  pass out. Its the morning when I finally wake up and still don’t feel well. I have no clue what I am coming down with so I stay home and lay in bed. My parents tuck me back in and make sure I have what I need for the day since they need to go to work. My brother fakes sick to stay home as well, since does  not want me to be alone. We talk about everything  we can besides the packages and the notes. He wants to get my mind off of all the crazy stuff that’s happening. All of the sudden, the doorbell. My heart drops and I immediately feel goosebumps.  “Um, Elle? There’s a present here for you. One that you will like this time!” My brother says, while I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Jake walks in with flowers and a cupcake.
  “Surprise! I didn’t want you to be alone and I didn’t know your brother was here. But,  looks like all of us can hang out”, Jake said, with his low but really cute voice.
“Thank you so much!”, I say, my eyes red and full of tears. I tell them both that I am really tired and just want to nap. Jake and my brother head downstairs to hang out.
“I am just not going to think about this crazy stuff going on and wait until tomorrow to figure out who this mysterious person is.” I tell myself. But as I lay on my bed, I stare out my window, making sure the person doesn’t come back to my house. I get on my phone to do research about how to find out who is harassing you. I feel bad that I lied to Jack and Jake by telling them that I was taking a nap, but thats what it all has come to. I don't want either of them to get involved in this.The website that I went on gave me the best tips and actually makes me think that I may be able to hunt this person down. By Wednesday at school,  I’m feeling really paranoid, I feel like I am starting to go crazy. Everyone is looking at me like I am crazy. Maybe I am, but I can’t deal with these presents this person keeps giving me and not knowing who it is. I go outside. As I sit, I see a note blowing in the wind. When it lands, I pick it up to see that it has my name on it. I open it, it says, “You will never find me, you are going nowhere, Elle. Everyone thinks you're crazy at this school right now. STOP STALKING ME, YOU'RE CRAZY!” I so want to find this person and I want to threaten them right back. Then, I look at myself in the mirror. “Is this who I really am now, a stalker and a crazy person?”.  I won’t stop looking until I find this person. A couple days pass and I have not slept at all. Everyone has been calling me a stalker every day, but I don't care anymore. Jake even thinks I have gone crazy, but I don’t even care about that at the moment, I need to find this “Anonymous” person, right now,  if I don’t I will just go even more crazy. The next Monday that I go to school, I pull up to see several police cars lining the school. I wonder what has happened and who it happened to. As I walk toward the school, I realize they are standing outside their cars watching me. One officer, about my Dad’s age, walks toward me with a concerned look. They are here to get me! They tell me that someone has accused me of harassing them and stalking them, which is somewhat true, but what they don’t understand is that the person leaving me things at my door are what led to all of this. I suddenly realize that I don’t even know who I am anymore. I go in the cops car and they drive me to a mental hospital. They ask me all sorts of questions that I don't want to answer and after a few hours they tell me I have a visitor. It’s my brother.
“You aren’t you anymore, Elle.” He says, I can see the worry all over his face.
“ I don’t care.” I say, so annoyed while looking down and fiddling with my fingers.
“Hey, look Mom and Dad are here, you should tell them everything.”
“Fine, I will just tell them someone is harassing me and someone drove me to go crazy.”
“Not enough Elle.”
“I don’t care Jack.” I said while sitting on my bed staring into a blank space.
“Well, they will want to know all of these details they will want to know what happened to their precious child to drive her to this.”
Mom and dad walk in. They look like they are in total shock. I feel so badly for not going to them for help. I explain to them all about the person at the door, the presents and the torn up Teddy Bear. I tell them how I became obsessed with finding this person and thinking that I could make everything alright without any help. They both hold me in their arms and Mom is crying. All they keep saying is, “you should have told us sooner and then you would not be here because we could have helped you and the police could have found this person and kept you safe.”  A few weeks later, I finally got out of that nasty place. But everyone still thought of me as that crazy chick, which I was for a while. As I went back to my house and walked into my room,  I looked out my bedroom window, again thinking of this person and who they could be. Just then, my brother comes in, “They have found the suspect and she is going to Jail”, he says, like a cop.
“Wow, nice impression, Jack” , I didn’t believe him.
“They actually got her!”
She? Who is she? Could she have been someone I knew my whole life? Someone I thought of as a friend? Or maybe an anonymous person I don’t even know.
“It was Bella.” he mumbled.
“Bella!” Jack now shouted
“ No, no, no, this can’t be possible.” My used to be best friend went behind my back and turned me into a monster. I should have never let this get to me this way. I have become someone I have never wanted to be, and she won. Why would she even do this? And then I realized. Jake.

The author's comments:

Things that inspired me to write this was tv shows and stories I have read sunch as Pretty Little Liars and more shows that are anonymous. I hope people will get scared and get the shivers like I did while I was writing this peice. I hope people learn that they should never keep secrets from their family.

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