The Unfriendly | Teen Ink

The Unfriendly

December 12, 2014
By Anonymous

The Unfriendly

I started to lose hope after looking through our 13th house this week. I wanted to find the house that would bring my family closer.

“Mom can we be done looking at houses for the day?” asked Andrew.

“We have one more house to look at then we will be done.”

Andrew went back to listening to his music from his phone and turned to his brother, which who was making a funny face.

“Mom why are we all the way out in the country?” asked Nick.

“Well I have always wanted a house on a  lot of land.”

“Does that mean we could get a pool?” yelled Andrew.

“We’ll see.”

We drove up to a long skinny driveway on the side of the country road. There was a gate blocking cars from getting up the driveway. My husband, Brad, got out of the car and walked to the gate. He pushed it and it seemed to be already unlocked. He got back into the car and we drove up the road. Briefly a house in the distance was growing larger and larger the closer we got. The house was beautiful! Fire red brick was covered all around the house. Lantern looking lights were attached on each side of the front door. A rainbow of flowers guarded around the side of the house.

“Mom did this house belong to Godzilla?” asked Andrew.

My eyes scrambled all around my eye socket looking at every little detail of the house.

“I wonder why this house is so cheap?” I asked.

“This house should be double of what is being offered.” said Brad.

We went up to the door and I gently turned the handle and the door slowly opened. There was no furniture in the house. Only hard wood floor surrounding the ground. I walked all over the house looking at everything in it. There had to be at least ten bedrooms up stairs and four bathrooms. I went back down the stairs to the kitchen  and the living room. I always wanted a big kitchen for baking. I turned to Brad.

“I think we should take this house.” I smiled.

“Well we can afford it.” said Brad.

“Lets fill out paper work tonight and start moving in as soon as possible.”

We were almost done loading up our things into the moving truck. I grabbed the last box of clothes and loaded it. We all said goodbye to our old house and started heading towards our new one. We finally arrived at our new house. The sunshine crossed the front of the house like a rainbow. Birds chirped throughout the forest. We started unloading, when a car pulled up next to the moving truck. A man got out and I saw a smile come across my husbands face.

“So I’m guessing you took my offer of living in one of the rooms in my house I see?” said Brad.

“It was an offer I couldn't pass.” said Ted.

Ted followed us into the house and he couldn’t believe how big it was and how beautiful. It took a couple of hours to get everything into the house. It was about dinner time when we finished;, so we ordered pizza. After dinner the boys went to their new rooms, while Brad, Ted and I watched TV in the living room.

“Well I just wanted to tell you guys thank you for offering me to stay here.” said Ted.

“Anytime buddy.” said Brad

“You’re welcome, anytime.” I said.

It was almost 10 o’clock and I was getting tired from a long day of moving. I gently grabbed Brad’s hand and pulled it just enough where he would get up. We got into bed and turned off the lights.

“Good night honey.” said Brad.

“Night.” I said while closing my eyes.

I jumped up as fast as I could and wiggled Brad. He woke up quickly, got to his feet, and looked around. The door was opening and shutting by itself. I couldn’t believe what was happening in front of my eyes.

“Honey it’s just the wind coming from the window.” said Brad.

He climbed back into bed and went to sleep. I was too scared to shut my eyes. After a while I manage to finally go back to sleep.

Morning came and I went outside to water the plants. Brad and Ted were already gone for work. I bent down to turn on the water and grabbed the house and started moving my hands slowly to water the flowers. I heard the phone ringing so I put down the hose and turned around to go into the house. At the bottom of the hill I saw a man in a red shirt and jeans, and his hair was jet black. He turned and looked at me and just stared. I couldn’t believe what I had just saw. He slowly turned around and started walking into the forest. While he walked into the forest only his legs started to vanish, then he was gone. I ran inside to the telephone and called Brad. Brad raced to get home to hear the whole story. I heard a car door shut so I ran out to the driveway. Brad was about to come inside when I leaped into his arms and started crying.

“Are you sure that is what you saw dear?” asked Brad.

“Yes I’m sure.” I cried.

“Lets go inside and watch some TV.” said Brad.

We walked inside and sat in the living room watching TV for a couple of hours. It started to get close to dinner so the whole family went out to eat. About 2 hours later we arrived back at the house. I could tell there was a slight change in the house. It didn’t feel right at home anymore. I felt a visit as if I was being watched and I wasn’t sure why. It didn’t feel like a happy visit, it felt more like an unfriendly visit. The man I saw earlier in the day kept popping up into my head so I went to bed.

I woke up at about 2 am and notice that Brad wasn’t in the bed. I got up so I could walk around the house to find him. Right when I was about to walk into the hallway my door shut  and a cold breeze pressed against my skin.


“Who’s there?” I cried.

“Leave now!”

I started to bang on the door crying for help. I could hear Brad from the other side telling me to hang on. A grey mist started to fill the room and the same man I saw walked out. He looked at me with evil in his eyes. Finally my husband opened up the door and grabbed me out of the room. We started running down the stairs to get the boys when a different man came running towards us. He was skinny and his face was pure white as if he was terrified. He had lines of sweat dripping off his face with pure fear in his eyes. He ran right past us as if he was running from someone. We grabbed the boys and woke up Ted and all gathered into the car.

The next morning me and Brad went and did some research on the house to see if there was something we didn’t know. Finally we came across some old reports of the house, which gave me goosebumps. The house had belonged to a serial killer named Hermond in the 1990’s, who killed people in a specific room in the house. T And the room he happened to kill people in was the room me and my husband were living in. We read over some of the victims that were killed in the house. One of the victims matched up to the man we saw running away from something.

After reading over all the history on the house me and Brad decided to move everything out. Once we got everything out of the house I turned around to see the spirit of Hermond in the window watching down on us. I turned around to get into the van to leave the evil house. I just thought to myself maybe having a dream house isn’t what it’s cut out to be.

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i like to write

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