New Orleans' Dark Side | Teen Ink

New Orleans' Dark Side

December 15, 2014
By bryanmerida BRONZE, Sacramento, California
bryanmerida BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
''treat others the way you want to be treated''

It was a dark and stormy night.  Joe had just gotten back from the bar and he saw that some people went out running of the St. Louis cemetery.  Since he was drunk he decided to go inside not thinking at all if there could be danger waiting for him.   He went in and saw that smoke was coming out of the tomb of Marie Laveau’s known as “The Queen of Voodoo”.

He thought that he was all brave and started to stomp on her tomb, and when he stomped smoke came out. He heard a voice say “How Dare You Disrespect Me Like That”. At first he thought it was just in his mind, but he also started to hear whispers say “Leave now”. He ignored it and yelled, “Shut up”. Suddenly he started to shake and twitch and here screams that sounded like screams from “HELL.”  His eyes turned white and he tried to run, but it was hopeless running from the Queen.

 There was nothing that anyone could do about it and no one was there to hear his crying screams for help. When morning hit someone saw his body and went to go get the police. When the police arrived, the first thing they saw was the beer beside Marie’s tomb and the head of Joe slowly getting sucked into the dirt. To this day you can still here his hopeless screams.



The author's comments:

This was set in New Orleans and hope that this scares you and i hope you like it.

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