The Missing Watch | Teen Ink

The Missing Watch

December 15, 2014
By khalil paul BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
khalil paul BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Missing Watch
“Jason which way did he go?” I believe he went down the alley towards the pizza parlor. Maybe I should start by introducing myself. My name is Josh and my friends name is Jason. As you can probably tell we are chasing someone trying to get back my golden watch. You’re probably asking what golden watch and how was it stolen. Well it all started Friday morning on my way to the bus stop. While I was walking out the door my dad sopped me and said, “Josh here is a watch that my father gave to me at the same age you are now and can you please take good care of it.” When I got on the bus today I decided to show my friend Jason. “Sweet I wish my dad would give me something that cool all I got was a family comb,” says Jason. “Well I guess it is pretty nice at least I didn’t get a comb.” Out of nowhere someone taps me on the shoulder and it had to be the most annoying kid in the 6th grade Darwin. “What is that fancy gadget you have there,” said Darwin. “None of your business now can you just leave me alone.” When we got off the bus I was so happy to be at school because it was the last day of school. It was our last day of exams and it felt like the day would never end, but the clock finally hit 3:30. While I was on my way to the bus I realized that I left my gym bag in my class. Luckily when I got back the door was unlocked even though the teacher is supposed to lock it when they leave the class. After we Josh and I got off the bus we decided to stop at the store on the way home to my house. By my surprise guess who was there, Darwin. We were hoping he wouldn’t see us, but he did. “Hey guys can I see that magnificent object you had on the bus today”, Darwin says. “It is going to be the same answer as it was this morning NO.” Once we got home Jason asked he could see the watch again. “Ok just let me get it out my backpack.” When I went in my backpack it wasn’t there. At first I thought Jason was playing a trick on me but he told me he didn’t have it. I was so worried because if I lost the watch on the first day I had it my dad would kill me. I checked outside in the yard and even walked back to the gas station. It wasn’t anywhere to be found. Then I realized when I was at the gas station Darwin was always asking to see it but when I told him know he probably went on my bag and took it. So Jason and I headed to Darwin’s house. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. “Wow what a surprise why are you guys here”, says Darwin. “My watch went missing and I know it was you who took it”, I said. “So a watch is what you were looking at on the bus this morning,” says Darwin. “If you didn’t know it was a watch that means you didn’t take it, but how than be I checked everywhere for it,” I said. “Maybe you should go check back at school you might have left it there,” says Darwin. “True thanks Darwin”. When I get back to school my classroom is locked and I don’t see any janitors around. When Jason and I are on the way out of school we happen to see a janitor on the way his car. When we are walking towards him I saw a golden watch around his wrist and I was pretty sure it was mine. It turns out it was my watch and I try to ask for it back politely, but he takes of running. “Hey get back here, Jason you try to cut him off around the corner and I will say behind and catch him.” Once I get around the corner he is gone and all I see is Jason. “Jason which way did he go?” “I believe he went down that alley towards the pizza parlor.” I start running down the alley I see the janitor on the ground because he tripped.  I take the watch back and ask him why he took it and how’d he get it. “I tool it because I saw you walking into school with it and I wanted it and I saw you put it in your gym bag,” Said the janitor. “So after school you left your gym bag and I took it out when I was cleaning the classroom,” the janitor says. “Then you came back for it and I forgot to lock the door so I hid and took the watch. So that is the story of the missing watch and how it got stolen.

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