The Social Experiment (Intro) | Teen Ink

The Social Experiment (Intro)

December 27, 2014
By Maddie_Downie BRONZE, Evergreen, Colorado
Maddie_Downie BRONZE, Evergreen, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A secret's worth depends on the people from whom it must be kept" -Shadow of the Wind

Nobody knows who they really are.
I know it takes a lot to come to such conclusions and that a statement of this sort is within the boundaries of a fallacy, a hasty generalization if you will, I have my reasons. Let me explain.
We live in a world of standards. We are taught from a young age to label ourselves. I am kind. I am smart. I am accepting. But those titles don’t define who you are, only how you act. They are standards really, society’s requirements. You have to be kind, smart, and accepting to be considered an eminent part of society. And if you aren’t kind, smart, and accepting then you are bad and everyone hates you. That’s just how it is.
No pressure really. I mean, if you think about it you were raised to fit those standards. You’ve learned how to be kind etc. from you parents, teachers, idols who, ironically, were forced to learn from their parents, teachers, and idols. We life in a circle of censorship.
That’s not even the scariest part. The most frightening fact of it all is that you had no idea that was the case. Society has been suppressing your initial self and replacing you with the image that it wants you to have. So simple yet so devious.
You see, we are all born ourselves. We are all born with our original instincts that make us who we really are. But over time those instincts are replaced with reason. You are required to have a reason behind your actions these days. Modern science is required to have a reason for why certain things do what they do. There is a reason why the sky is blue. There is a reason the earth rotates on its axis. And there is a reason why he or she said this or that. No longer is the sky blue just because it is and the does earth rotate on its axis just because it does. No longer did he or she say this or that because they did. Because their instincts did.
Instincts have been reduced to the status of excuse. People blame their instincts when they do something stupid. That’s not what instincts do. They are simply the pre programmed actions that are engraved in our brain that act without the necessity of thought. They are who we really are because they display what we really do without any outside interference.
Yet, no one relies on their instincts anymore. Instincts have been replaced with reason.
But there is a downfall to knowledge. With the revival of instincts come the knowledge of who we are and what we are capable of. Although it might seem like a remarkable concept at first glance, it has proved to be a somewhat nauseating reality.
You’ve all heard the story of Adam and Eve and how when they ate the fruit of knowledge it got the Big Guy all mad. Basically the same concept. The knowledge of who you are is something society, or the big guy, doesn’t want you to see. Or, maybe something you don’t wanna see. Because half the time you aren’t who you want to be. More often than not you are not kind, smart, and accepting. More like bitter, foolish, and disagreeing.
You might be wondering how a somebody of my type would know such things about the majority of people.
Well, it’s because I know who I really am. I have been forced into the situations where my instincts finally took charge and showed me what I was capable of, who I really was meant to be. And I didn’t like what I saw. I was not who I wanted to be, yet I knew I couldn’t change the fact that I knew who I was. Who I was preprogrammed to be.
Let me tell you a story. The story of how I came to be.

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