the devils lie | Teen Ink

the devils lie

January 6, 2015
By fellixsalo BRONZE, Irving, Texas
fellixsalo BRONZE, Irving, Texas
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Favorite Quote:
I can travel all of the universe and never find the me I am inside

“What a pretty girl that is.” I said to myself while looking over to the girl  sitting at the other table. Her name was Alice, she had black, flowing hair that contrasted very well with the white dress she was wearing on that very day. It was the first day of high school for both of us, and some classes had already passed and it was lunch period,I knew already I was going to like that class.
  After the usual ice breakers that teachers have students do on the first day, I noticed something. She didn’t do one .
“Well thats odd” I thought to myself .
But I just let it pass thinking the teacher just didn’t make her. May be she told the teacher she didn’t want to do one before class started.
I also noticed she had a sketchbook with her and she just drew all throughout the class period. I did find this a bit strange ,but well what could I do it was art class after all .
After the class was over and we went to lunch . She was sitting alone and the first thing to cross my mind was
“Well good this is my chance” but this was eclipsed by the thought that came afterwards, I just couldn’t get it through my head .
”How is it that she’s alone ,does she have no friends” .
That didn’t really matter so I proceeded to approach her. I took a chair next to her and asked her if the seat was empty. She looked up at me, and this is the first moment I noticed two things ; her art was amazing it could pull you in and you could feel everything going on, and the other is that her eyes, her beautiful green eyes that had that shine of purity and love at the same time.
She told me I could go ahead and sit down ,but she also asked me what I thought about her drawing.
“It’s beautiful” I said ,after a short pause I looked at her and said “Just like you are”
  She smiled .
I pulled my hand from my jacket ,and while extending it to her I said stuttering “I.. I’m leo”.
She put her pencil down and shook my hand, “I’m alice” she said
I then asked, “which middle school did you go to?”
She told me she just moved from a Nebraska. “Oh” I said “well if you want I could introduce you to some of my friends if you want “,”Not like I have that many anyway”I said under my breath

  A few days passed and our friendship grew stronger , and I stopped wanting to just date her, I loved her but as my best friend and that mattered a lot more for both of us as we were not the most “popular” kids in school. The friendship grew much stronger, we were always together. One day something was different about alice. something was definitely bothering her. but what could it be.

  I walked to her and something bothered me right away, The page was empty, the opened page on her sketchbook was empty. This could be normal, it could mean nothing. No, it meant something it definitely did, she was not the kind of person to run out of ideas quickly and easily, and even if she did she would just draw something or someone around her.
When I finally got the words out and spoke to her, I noticed something else; she could barely get her words out, but when she did my whole train of thought turned sharply.

  I remembered the first time I met her mother, she was a lovely lady. her name was Ms. Emma ,she smiled the first time she met me, I  wondered why at first ,but it clicked later.I had lunch and actually stayed the night at her house that one time, “its not like there is someone who actually wanted me home anyway”, when I told them this, Ms.Emma just seemed to have her heart shattered, think about it a fourteen year old kid, and not only is he left out in school he also feels neglected by his family. Ms.Emma was one of the first adults to show kindness to me.
That made it even harder for me to hear she died.

“What do you mean she is dead” I asked alice
“She died last night” she told me.
  The cops didn’t really know how she died.*Alice just laid on me* The conversation stopped from then on we just sat there quietly thinking. After a while alice asked me if she could stay at my place for a few days, I thought about it for a second. and after a moment said
“I have an even better idea!”.
Alice was confused,
”What's your idea”she asked.

I told her to meet me after school ,and that she would find out. I took her to my brothers cabin,My brother’s cabin was rather unused since he passed away,besides the times my dad pissed me off and I would go there, but it would do. when we got there and dusted it off it was just like when he was there .The memories of my brother started to flood in and I spaced out. I know for sure Alice wasn’t in the best of moods either,for the majority of the day she sat in my brothers studio,with her sketch book blank,after a few hours, I finally started a conversation, we had chocolate and made a fire in the fireplace, we stayed there for the whole weekend. Alice’s dad was back after that, he’d been in a work trip, he was all the way in hong kong when he got the news. Alice loved him but he wasn’t around for long. He worked as a salesman for a company that sold software, so he really wasn’t there much.
While in the cabin, I learned a lot about Alice; Turns out that part of the reason why they moved was because , she got constantly attacked by the other students. This shocked me ,”WHY?” I couldn’t get that question out of my head, why would people do that to her, she was always just so nice to people, that was always in the back of my head from that point on.

  When I got home, on sunday night, my mother had left me a note saying there was money on the counter if I wanted to go have lunch somewhere. My dad in the other hand was out drinking on both friday and sunday ,but he was super hang over on saturday. So much so he didn't even notice I was gone it’s fine though its better that way, I’d rather him not being mad at me as he usually is. at least since the incident with my brother, Logan. Logan was the perfect child. He had straight A's in school and was the captain of the football team, he was eleven when I was born. Even though I was always jealous of him ,I loved him he was really the only person I had, my mother is always at work, and my father is always hang over or somewhere drinking. So my brother was the only person I ever had, he would usually stay home and watch over me on the weekends or ask his friends to come over instead of leaving the house. It’s not like our parents cared if he left me alone its that, he didn’t want to. He was the only one who cared, the fact that he’s gone still haunts me. Although there is one thing about my brother he was into some pretty dark stuff, he never talked to me about it, but that wasn’t something he would do really he was a bit closed and to himself. He died just before last summer. he died in a hunting trip, a bear attacked the camp while my dad and I were getting firewood. I’m never going to forget seeing him dead, it was much worse than, a horror movie scene. My dad blamed me for it, he’s probably right I should have stayed setting up the camp while they got the fire wood they are stronger anyway.

  I didn’t see Alice for a few days, she just wasn’t there in school for a week or so, on saturday I decided to go to her house , when i got there all the lights were out and it was getting pretty dark, after I knocked no one answered so I decided to go to the back of the house where her room was and see if she was there, I Noticed that her dad’s car wasn't there as it usually wasn’t when he was on a trip.
After finally getting up the tree that grew conveniently close to the house, there she was she’d opened her room window , and climbed out she was on the roof looking up at the stars wearing her beautiful now mostly white dress ignoring the red splatters that is.
I sat down next to her and she leaned in and laid on me, she didn't say anything neither did I, I just held her there looking up at the stars with her
The faint sound of her voice broke the silence “They are a lot tonight, don’t you think?”
“Yeah ,they are” I said
From then on there was silence for the rest of that night. When she fell asleep, I took her down to her room , put her in her bed and laid right next to her, I knew I couldn't just leave her.

The next few days were odd they were mostly me walking with her everywhere ,and her not talking much as well as an odd zero self respect phase where she’d just show everything all over the place. After a while she was mostly back to “normal” but she was definitely still different. Three months later my friend ,Nicolas,was having a party, I asked if she wanted to go
“sure” she said, blushing, but in a way that was different, but like she was trying to hide something
“Are you ok?” ,I asked, I told her“You're acting a bit weird lately”.
She just looked away and ignored the question.

We went to the party and she was wearing a black top with red pants and black shoes. she looked amazing,when we walked in everyone else there seemed to also think so. Nicolas came up and welcomed us , She smiled and her lips were super red from the lipstick she was wearing, she also blushed a little. That’s when I found out she had a crush on Nicolas.
I've known Nicolas since we were kids, well actually his mom and my mom were childhood friends, so I’ve known him all of my life , he’s the soccer team’s “star player”,and for good d--- reason, ever since kids, he's always loved soccer, he played and played until he was one of the best in  not only the grade but the whole school. The school team is having a game on a week so his parents are letting him have a party, while they go on vacation. Nicolas could tell she liked him, while we were at the party he spent all of the time around her, it was pretty clear he liked her too. I decided that if they were going to spend all of the time together I might as well go find someone for my self ,and leave them to it. I met a very pretty girl, Angelica,she had her golden hair with red streaks in a perfectly executed ponytail . her over all was perfectly balanced, she was rather tall, the skirt she was wearing was pretty short, it was purple, and it went perfectly with the white shirt she was wearing, her black sneakers kinda fitted in  somehow, I’m actually starting to think it didn’t really matter what she wore, she looked perfect in everything. I’ve seen her around the school before. I also know she is involved on everything ,and I mean everything ; drama club, student council, AVID. I always wanted to talk to her but I never did before, after a while I told her
“You’re pretty , and cool , I mean you’re pretty cool.”
she smiled and said
“Well this means a lot” ,”especially coming from you“ she blushed and probably so did I.
I don’t know why but just the way she said it was really flirty,I kinda like that, I spent the whole party with her, she seemed to be quite into me, I was rather surprised, I usually don’t have people who like me . At the end of the party with a glimpse of luck and bravery, I asked her out, she looked down took a step closer, and looked at me, in her eyes, in her beautiful brown eyes I  could see her response so I pulled her in and I kissed her, by the time the kiss was over my heart was racing and it felt like it was about to pound its way out of my chest.When we stopped kissing she looked at me and smiled and her smile was, one of the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. she looked so happy, right after the kiss her parents got there and she had to go, we hugged and she walked away,
Just after angelica’s car drove away, Alice and I left the party, she seemed happy, when we got to her house, she asked me to stay there for the night, I agreed to, and we just stayed there after awhile she told me Nicolas had asked her out.
About a week later i had my first actual date with angelica, I already felt rather comfortable with her by this point, so I decided to take her to this go-kart/ arcade, when we got there, there was a lot of people in the line for the go-karts so we just went to the arcade, we played air hockey first,
It was a fun game, she got the first score and I got the second, but at the end she won five to seven, the next thing we did was bowling, I got to say her bowling was beautiful, well everything was, I noticed she was competitive, and d--- was she playful, every time I got a good score on a shot she would pretend to be mad and it was clear she wasn’t ,but it was still rather hot, after awhile I started throwing the ball in a way she was sure to win just because of the fact that she would win, because she would be rather happy about it and hug me and say “you’ll do better next time’ and giggle a little bit, i didn’t mind  giving the game for that. after a few games, which I lost all of, we played guitar hero, thats the only game I did win, but her reaction was lovely, she just playfully pretended it didn’t happen, we  then went to her house, we walked there as it wasn’t that far anyway. On the way there I had my arm around her she was cold, the moon full was beautiful but this I only noticed when we stopped in a hill on a park on the way to her house, on the hill we sat down and she snuggled in, I still had my arm around her, there was total silence, we didn’t need to talk, i knew exactly what she was thinking. hsr beautiful ,soft voice broke the silence anyway
“I had fun” she said
“So did I” I replied
“Can we always be together?” she asked
That question struck me because I knew that I wasn’t good enough for her, it’s not that she said that ,but  felt like I wasn’t good enough, but I decided it was worth a shot,
“I will do my best” I managed to blurb out.
She smiled and looked back at the moon and the stars above us, the moonlight on her made her look even more beautiful and perfect, as hard as it was for me to believe it was possible, she was. her beautiful eyes were playful and I just wanted to lean into her and kiss her, after I did she blushed and smiled, right then she grabbed me and kissed me.
The night went on like that for the next half an hour or so. at midnight I walked with her to her house ,and kissed her when we got there.
She went in her house, and I went to mine, a few blocks down I passed Alice’s house, when I looked at her window, I saw it was opened, I could hear the overwhelmingly loud music, I knew there was something wrong, she always did that when she was mad about something.
I got myself to go up her tree and into her room ,when I got there she was in her room crying, my heart shattered, she was the most important person for me, I knew it had to do with Nicolas, and I couldn't help her , I felt so useless, so pointless, I walked over to her bed and hugged her, she seemed like she have been crying for hours.
After weeks of seeing her falling back into depression I couldn’t do it again, I couldn’t watched her suffer through it again.
I went back to my brothers cabin knowing I could find solutions, I went into the attic and found some books, I read all of them in what felt like a timeless lapse of learning, in all of his books I found one without a name but it had a leather cover, in this book I found just what i was looking fro which was a way to solve this problem, I took the book with me and proceeded to look for the necessary items, there weren’t that many just sulfur powder to create a pentagram with, then a blood red candle, I was ready ,but it felt like it was maybe too easy, I ignored this and proceeded, I put the book in the center of the pentagram which was pointing south, this was an instruction but I didn’t understand it.
I made the offering, I also didn’t understand why it needed to be something personal to me, I light the sulfur and waited, after a while I heard a knock on the door, when it happened the sulfur went out like on cue,, I opened the door and there was a man standing in front of me, he was pale and had dark brown hair, black eyes and a kind appearance, I knew to let him in, he came in and sat down like the house belonged to him, the sulfur smell no longer came from the house it came from outside, I closed the door and sat down,
“hello” he said in a polite tone and extended his hand to me
“hi” I replied, while shaking his hand
he sat back down in his seat, and asked “what can I help you with today?”
the smoke of sulfur started to fill the room, this bedazzled me because i didn’t know where it came from,
“I need a favor” I said
“Well thats what im here for, isn’t it?”he kindly said
“My best friend is worrying me I need her to be happy, and forever youthful.” I explained
the smoke of the sulfur concentrated into a nicely rolled up piece of paper, he handed me the paper and a blade, when I grabbed the knife he said” you are hurt you cannot live if you do this”
I already knew that if I finished I would die, but also knew that I would exist in limbo, dead but without being put in heaven or hell,
I went on and put my blood on the paper and there I sealed my death, I could feel as my soul was taken out of me all of the emptiness and pain, I immediately thought about angelica, and how I left her and alice the letters saying what I was about to do, no I didn’t have the heart to tell either of them i was going to die like that.
The devil was no fool, he also did not liked to be made a fool of, I decided to die to make her happy but my soul could not belong to the devil, the deal was made as soon as I put my blood in the paper,
I paid for trying to outsmart the devil, he did follow the deal but not as I expected, he made her “forever youthful”, now she can’t die, and she is “happy” what i didn’t realize is that she would spend eternity happily suffering, and I would watch her, live to death forever, all because the devil’s lie.

The author's comments:

i wrote this piece based on letting my mind run free during a few days ,so leo is based on me and the other characters are mostly people I know 

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