Spooky | Teen Ink


January 21, 2015
By Johnny2by4 BRONZE, Bronx, New York
Johnny2by4 BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My friends are my power, and I'm theirs!

This is the story of a group of friends, their names are Natsu, Arin, and Ross. Now this little story takes place (begins) in their house but the real story begins in a special little church now while in this church this group of friends will have to overcome certain obstacles for all of them it’s surviving. Now lets begin with our story.
“Yo Ross have you seen Arin around lately?” Natsu announced while walking through the house.
“No and I was gonna ask you the same thing,” Ross responded while in his office.
They both had been wondering where Arin had been since he usually arrives home at 10:20pm at night and usually isn’t this late. Just when they were busy trying to think of how Arin could be late they heard they’re door unlocking and they both rushed to the door.
“Hey guys sorry im l-”
“Where were you? And why were you late?” Natsu and Ross respectively asked.
“Well, I um...” Arin tried to explain himself but Natsu and Ross kept bombarding him with questions.
“Were you doing drugs?” Ross implored.
“Well you see-” but no matter how hard Arin tried to no avail they weren’t listening to a thing he had to say.
“Do you really think he was doing drugs?” Natsu acknowledged.
“Guys!” Arin shouted.
Natsu and Ross both stood dead silent after Arin raised his voice which is something he rarely does and decided to give him his turn to speak.
Arin sighed, “What I was trying to tell you two was that I got a new client for my expedition,”
But before the conversation went on further they decided to take their conversation to the living room.
“Well? What’s this expedition for?” Ross asked with interest.
“Yeah well about that they didn’t have many details about the place I’m going to and also I may have lied about it being an expedition seeing as its more of a reconnaissance and they just want me to gather information about the area,”Arin explained.
“How much is the pay this time?” Natsu continued.
“depending on how much info I get, it’s around $95,000,” Arin commented
“$95,000!?” Natsu and Ross both replied with surprise.
“That’s the most you’ve gotten so far,” Ross continued.
“What’s the catch?” Natsu hinted.
“None really I guess the only real one would be that since it’s an abandoned building i’m going to; they’re may be faulty structures or people may be around.”Arin explained.
“Well then how about we all go together ?” Ross suggested.
“That’s incredibly stupid,” Arin replied.
“I think it wouldn’t hurt to have a little help Arin, and also this amount of money could seriously help us with paying our due bills” Natsu proclaimed.
“Huh you know you may have a point their Natsu I’m impressed.” Arin remarked.
“Hey what’s that supposed to mean?” Natsu demanded.
“So are we going or not?” Ross begged.
“Well since you guys insisted so much I pretty much got no choice but to say yes.”Arin admitted.
“Ok so how long will it take for us to get there?” Natsu asked.
“About 3 hours,” Arin replied.
“Fine then lets go already It’s like...12:20am right now so well get there around 3:00am,” Ross announced.
And as they left they got the necessary equipment for their trip: 3 flashlights, a journal, and a camcorder.

“Woah...this place is amazing,” Natsu remarked.
“Amazing? It’s creepy as hell!” Ross returned.
“It doesn’t matter whether or not It’s amazing or creepy we're going to investigate regardless,” Arin replied to Ross.
And what they were looking at was indeed awe inspiring and spine tingling, an gigantic abandoned basilica with rusted doors to the front entrance, moss and vegetation growing on the walls and roof, and grey and red paint peeling off,  the windows appeared appeared to be boarded shut to.
“Arin what is so mysterious about this church anyway?” Ross asked with slight fear in his voice.
“Well that’s what we’re here for to figure out that mystery, all I know so far is that there have been reports of suspicious activity going around lately such as dark figures going in and out of the church, dim lights surrounding the church, and the most strange one is children going missing,” Arin explained with surprising calmness.
“Well then that makes it all the more interesting,” Natsu continued.
“Then let’s get started already,” Arin replied.
Ross sighed “Goddamnit... well we’re too far in to turn back now I guess,”
Luckily for the group the rusted doors weren’t locked well and were able to force they’re way in, but once they got in what they saw was almost pitch blackness and the only thing they could make out in the area was the faded stained glass at the end of the area.
“Everyone has their flashlights?” Arin whispered.
“Uh-huh,” Ross replied.
“Yeah,” Natsu replied.
“Ok then lets go,” Arin responded.
Even with their flashlights on the area was still incredibly dark, but it was nighttime, And as they were investigating the area Natsu heard fast paced footsteps behind him.
“Yo Ross Is that you? slow down were not in a hurry,” Natsu whispered.
But as Natsu was trying to make who he thought was Ross slow down Natsu felt a heavy weight but sharp pain hit his back and fell into unconsciousness.
“Was that Natsu?” Ross wondered when he heard a distant voice. “Hm It was probably nothing,” but just as Ross thought this he felt a sharp pain hit his neck and fell into unconsciousness dropping his flashlight.
“What was that noise?” Arin thought as soon as he heard a noise in the distance. “It might’ve been nothing but I better be careful, hey what’s this?” As Arin was thinking to himself he noticed a broken wood door that lead to a ladder going upward and decided to climb it. As Arin had gotten up to the top he couldn’t see anything in front of him “It’s way too dark in here better turn on my flashlight,” As soon as Arin turned on his flashlight the first thing he saw was bloodstains surrounding him, but he also smelled a foul odor not too far from him and when he was trying to pinpoint the source of the smell he found a corpse a few feet away to the right with what appears to be salt or sugar in it’s mouth with cockroaches infesting it’s mouth and eyes, It’s chest also appeared to have been torn open with It’s entrails out and vermin crawling in and out of the chest. “Good God... I think i’m going to be sick,” Arin nauseously thought to himself as the mere sight of the morbid corpse was nauseating enough. As Arin tried to ignore the corpse he noticed a hallway to the right as well unfortunately but managed to maneuver around the blood and corpse and when he pointed his flashlight down the hall he could’ve sworn he saw a figure move past the corridor. “Hm It was most likely my imagination,” Arin thought to himself. When he was in the corridor he saw two entrances near him one to the right, and one to the lower left Arin decided to take the one to the right.
“Ugh my head’s throbbing…wait where am I?” Natsu wondered to himself as all he could see around him was pitch blackness. “Flashlight, wheres my flashlight?” Natsu thought to himself as he tried feeling his pockets and eventually found his flashlight in his coat pocket. As Natsu turned his flashlight on all he saw were grey walls with the paint peeling, a bucket, and a large barred rusted iron door in front of him. As he was inspecting his surroundings he heard a loud gunshot, and after that he heard footsteps approaching him and turned off his flashlight.
“I know you’ve awoken you can’t trick me,” the mysterious voice remarked.
“Who are you? and why am I here?” Natsu responded.
“...That I cannot answer, but I can tell you one thing. We have a lot planned out for you and your friends my child,” the mysterious voice affirmed.
“What do you mean by that?” Natsu demanded.
“All in due time, now if you want to go about getting out of this confinement search for a product of pestilence horseman of disease,” the mysterious voice stated. And with that he walked away with his footsteps getting fainter with every passing moment.
“What does that mean? I guess I should search something in here thats dirty.” Natsu thought. As he turned his flashlight back on he started searching his cell for his way out. “Nothing, wait a sec,” just then Natsu remembered to check the bucket but what was inside was gag-inducing as the bucket was filled with intestines, fingers, and maggots but in all of that he noticed a silver key inside. “Jesus, I really don’t want to,” Natsu sighed. He carefully stuck his hand inside the bucket and moved the cold fingers that were on the key and retrieved it with only a little blood on his hand. He then proceeded to unlock the door, “where should I go?” Natsu wondered since he had three entrances to choose from, one to his immediate right that went to an upward staircase, in front of him there’s a corridor that looks like it goes an incredibly long distance down, and a door a few feet to the right of the staircase. Natsu before heard the mysterious man coming from above so the stairs was out of the question, the corridor would take take too long to traverse so the door would be the best viable option. “Okay, door it is,” Natsu thought and opened the door. When he opened the door all that was their was a big white curtain to the right a dusty chair close to the left  there was also another door in front of him and a boarded up window to his left as well since the room didn’t have much to offer he went on to the next room and this time it had something interesting as the room had white sheets over the furniture and it had more boarded up windows and a closet. Then Natsu heard a tapping noise coming from somewhere “where’s that coming from?” Natsu wondered. The noise kept going. As Natsu inspected all the furniture he turned to the closet. The noise got louder as Natsu approached the closet, as he carefully reached for the doorknob however as he was about to turn the doorknob the tapping stopped but as soon as he opened the door a person with tattered clothing and bandages jumped out screaming and slammed natsu onto the ground
“Please help me! They’re going to f**king kill me!” The senile man begged Natsu.
“Hey! What’s your problem?” Natsu grunted as the man was pinning him down, as Natsu got a closer look at the man his face appeared to be horribly scarred and damaged as he had no upper lip, he had stitches going from his left eye to his nose, and the top of his head appeared to be scalped.
“Please man you gotta f**kin’ help me,” the man implored.
“What’s wrong with you!?” Natsu asked in a angered tone, Natsu then began to subdue the senile man by pressure-pointing his neck and then quickly turned him over laying on his stomach and punched the back of his head knocking him out. “What the hell is wrong with this place?” Natsu thought to himself as he went back to where he started he went to the hallway next.
“Where am I?” Ross thought as he had just woken up. “Oh crap my flashlight” Ross then realized his pitch black surroundings and frantically searched for his flashlight. Once he found it he calmed down and checked his surroundings to find himself surrounded by dolls, and a podium a few feet away in front of him. “That’s really creepy,” Ross shivered as he stepped over the staring dolls and inspected the podium, “huh this podium looks like it hasn’t been used in ages,” Ross thought. He then inspected more of the area and noticed that he was in some kind of nave area where people perform prayers as the ceiling was incredibly high up and had balconies, and also their was an incredible amount of chairs in front of the podium. “This place looks like it’s falling apart” Ross thought to himself as he inspected the state of the architecture which appeared to be cracked and ruined. After inspecting everything in the nave he entered the door behind the podium, and saw a sign labeled ‘choir room’ in the room he saw something move though he only caught a glimpse of the figure he did make out a hood and robe but nothing else. “What was that?” Ross noticed. Ross soon dismissed what he had noticed and began to further inspect the room he was in and saw two doors one to his right and another to his left he also saw a desk a few feet away in front of him which had a rusted key on top “I guess I have no choice but to take it,” Ross thought to himself and took the key. He then decided to take the door on his left and saw a set of stairs spiraling down he reluctantly took the stairs and ended up in front of a large studded double door and used all his strength to open the door due to it’s weight and with a loud creaking noise the door opened and Ross found himself in an area that had small pillars, dim torches on the walls, and what appeared to graves in certain sections of the hallways. “Am I in some kind of crypt?” Ross thought to himself just then he heard a faint moan coming from the catacombs.
“H..e..l..p,” the nearly inaudible voice asked.
“It’s coming from over there” Ross noticed and headed to the west hall.
However as Ross found out where the voice came from he soon found himself paralyzed with fear as he found a young boy with his hands and feet nailed onto the wall, his stomach cut open leaving his entrails and under him was a pool of his own excrement, he also had flies infesting the newly created cavity.
“Please...help,” the boy still clinging on to what little life he had left tried reaching out to Ross but his arms were so heavily mutilated that he couldn’t even try to lift them.
Ross overcome with sheer terror panicked and ran away from the boy until he reached a black door room and went in there to hide.
“What the hell was that? Wait what’s that noise?” Ross thought to himself as he heard footsteps rapidly approaching him just then he saw the same hooded figure he encountered in the choir room but this time he got a full view of the person and appeared to be female and had blood splattered on her tattered robe.
“It appears that an unfaithful peasant has snuck into our sanctuary,” the girl whispered.
“What are you talking about?” Ross asked.
“For this the proper punishment…is death” the girl announced and proceeded to pull out a hand axe from behind and charged at Ross.
“W-wait I-”
“What’s this place?” Arin thought as he found himself in an area that had pillars to the left and a trapdoor.Arin opened the trapdoor to find a ladder going down and climbed down.
“It’s so dark even with my flashlight on,” Arin realized as most of his surroundings were pitch black and after pointing his flashlight around he noticed a wooden door and entered the next room.
However the room Arin entered the room was like a box and it was a struggle to even move his arms around.
“This room has nothing in it,” Arin observed but as he was about to leave the door shut on him and locked on him. “H-hey! let me out!” Arin yelled but to no avail the door wouldn’t budge. “What the hell is going on,” Arin thought to himself but his train of thought got interrupted when he a light beaming from above on him he then heard a voice talking.
“Be prepared for this is the last light you will ever see,” the voice announced but appeared to be the voice that of a child.
“Hey let me out of here!” Arin yelled but to no avail the child didn’t respond but instead started giggling, as the child was giggling Arin heard what sounded like dirt being shoveled but then the dirt he was hearing was then poured on him. He spit and locked a loogie as he said, “Hey, what are you doing?” Arin yelled at the child but the giggling continued as more and more dirt and gravel was being poured onto him. “I’m running out of breath,” Arin thought to himself. “S-stop please.” Arin tried to beg the child to stop but there was already gravel and dirt filling his mouth. “This can’t be happening,” Arin was thinking to himself, but then everything started to feel lighter and everything started to become black whoever did this was clearly pleased as the giggling escalated to laughter.
“Man this hallway is neverending,” Natsu thought to himself. He eventually though found a door at the end of the hallway he tried opening the door but it would barely move as if someone was on the other side Natsu then proceeded to slam into the door and it started to slightly move and after one final slam the door swung open and Natsu fell out into what appeared to be a field with the driveway to the far left. “I don’t see Arin or Ross around here,” Natsu thought to himself, “I guess I should go back,” Natsu thought but when he turned

The author's comments:

I got some of my inspiration from Corpse Party

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