Creep | Teen Ink


January 13, 2015
By Jalenna Thai BRONZE, San Diego, California
Jalenna Thai BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a dark and scary night. As I waited the bright white moon was behind the dark grey clouds. The wind was blowing the leaves off the trees.


I'v seen her before. She's always with her perfect little family in her perfect little world. Shes the prettiest girl ever. With her long brown hair and perfect soft skin. She cares for no one but herself. She is only 14 years old and already has the best cloths, shoes, the latest  phones. I mean a girl like that shouldn't be so selfish.

No one was home but her. I waited until she went to sleep. I was already in the house waiting oh so patiently. When she was sleeping I opened the door oh so slightly. It was so quiet you can hear a pin drop. It was so dark that the ray of light from the hall way you can see the dust that looks like a thousand little crystals. She moved and I stopped to see her laying in bed and falling back to sleep.

My legs started shaking, my heart started pounding, and I had butterflies in my stomach. I opened the door with a little push. I slid under her bed like a snake waiting and waiting until she was sound asleep.

Her parents were not home, they were having there time alone. As I was beside her bed she looked so peaceful and sweet but, I grabbed the pillow and put it over her head as she was squirming like a little bug and cried for help, but as she was squirming and screaming she begin   to have  less movement and less screaming. When I picked up the pillow she was pail white. I fixed the bed and put the blanket over her, so when her parents came home  they would find her dead lying in her bed. After that I made sure I left none of my tracts or finger prints behind.  After I went to go have Starbucks with my friends.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe, his story "The Tale, Tale heart".

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This article has 2 comments.

Jagir said...
on Feb. 7 2015 at 11:41 am
Great imagination with detailed action.

Neeters said...
on Feb. 6 2015 at 11:30 pm
Incredible brought tears to my eyes.