The House on the Woods | Teen Ink

The House on the Woods

February 8, 2015
By Anonymous

It was night, but the snow reflected the moon light and made everything glow. Trees are creaking with the wind blowing through them and the wooden house in front appears even scarier. Someone is at your side, someone you care about, but you are weary of the situation. They twitch their nose with the strange smell in the air, its metallic, but you don’t want to think about it much. The house is in front of you, made of wood, in the middle of the woods. The trees are dark, but everything else has a ghostly glow to it. The wind is howling and getting stronger, you need to find shelter, but you know something bad is in that house, but that doesn’t prevent you two from entering it.
It is all dark and something seems off, but you can’t quite place it. The room you’re in does not have a lot of furniture; in fact none of the house has a lot of furniture, the little it has is scattered around. A shadow flows by the window, too dark for you to discern something. At least you are protected from the wind blowing outside. Your friend insists on looking around the house, you disagree, you feel that there is something in the house and you don’t want it enraged by your actions. But maybe it is too late, you already entered the house either way, there wouldn’t be too much trouble if you just looked around.
So you start walking through the house, the room you were before was composed only from some chairs laying on the floor and an old fireplace already cold from the time it wasn’t used. Each step is accompanied by a creak, added by the wind howling outside. You enter the kitchen, nothing strange here, just an old table and pans around. You see food on the table, bread and fruits, your first instinct is to eat it, but something doesn’t seem right. There is fresh bread and fruits in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods. You decide to ignore it and go on the exploration.
The next room has nothing, but the other one has a weird set of red and blue socks hanging in a clothes line. There is a scribed note in the side, but what is written cannot be understood by you. But now there is this strange feeling, something tells you to do not touch anything you find around, just the red socks, those you can do whatever you want with them. You don’t do anything, but your friend enters the room and the first thing he does is touch the blue socks. The moment that the blue sock was touched, a cold wind blew through the house, the sound of it got higher and that metallic smell got worse. You decide it’s time to go, but you have the feeling you need to finish exploring the house.
You pass through the other rooms, but everything seems to be alright. Your friend comments about how the house must have been abandoned for a long time, and also how you found a doll in one of the rooms. Your friend has collected the doll and has given it to you. You look at the doll made of cloth, it is spent and dirty, and eye is missing and the hair continuous to be too soft after so long being abandoned to snow and foul weather.
There is one room that you two haven’t seen in the house, and it is the only one with the door closed. Through all your exploring you have seen a shadow lurking around, observing you and your friend, you were unsettled by it, but this feeling got worse now. Your hands tremble and you know something bad will happen, you tell your friend to leave, because you know you can still save someone you care about. Your demand is refused, but you still shout and throw out of the house. You lock the front door. Now everything seems colder and lonelier, the house becomes larger than you remember. You arrive in front of the closed door, but you stop to collect the old doll.
You put your hand forward to open it. You slowly turn the door latch and enter the room. Everything gets cold, you’re trembling, and you can see you breath in the air. You feel dizzy, maybe is the smell that became too strong for you now. The room is a bedroom, with a simple bed and a counter on the other side, there’s a rug on the floor, but it is almost covered with snow. The wind enters the bedroom through the window right above the bed. You get a tickling feeling on you back, but at the same time you mid shouts for you to do not turn around. You are torn between running and jumping through the window and to look around. The doll starts to get warm, and only now you notice you’re also holding the blue sock that you took from your friend’s hand.
You decide to turn around. It’s not fully your decision; something makes your body move against your will. You turn fully, facing the door again. There’s nothing. You almost sight in relief, but you hear the sound of a drop falling on the floor. You see it too, a little drop that falls right in front of the door. You look up.
There is a little girl crouched in a weird position right above the door. She is all twisted around her own body. She’s all in white, and she’s pale, but her hair is black, and so are her eyes. But she did not have eyes, where they should go, there were two pitch black holes with some kind of liquid coming out and falling in the floor. The girl tilts her head to the side and grins, showing her sharp teeth. You hear a voice in your head, “Everything will be alright” right before your vision goes dark and your body becomes numb.

The author's comments:

This piece is one of my first as a thriller/Mystery and it is based on a dream I had one night.

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